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The walk from Luke's loft to Central Park is 10 minutes. Luke decided, after a long night of choosing a nice outfit and perfecting his hair, that today was the day. So in 10 minutes, the tall, now muscular boy, would be in the arms of the one he loves.

Ten minutes, the walk has begun. Luke is fidgeting with the zipper on his black jacket. His anxiety is getting the best of him no doubt. He fears that his legs will give out from underneath him halfway there and Ashton will have to hear about it on the news.

"Breaking News: Man falls in the middle of the road and dies"

It's a silly thought but in his mind, it's a very, very valid fear.

Nine minutes, traffic seems to be at its worst today. He contiues to weave through the stopped cars as they honk relentlessly. They honk as though their car is moving. As though it's Luke's fault they're going to be late to work today. "They must be new here", Luke thinks to himself.

Eight minutes, the flowers in 7-11 are looking awfully gorgeous today. Luke has noticed that many of the things he once never glanced at hold a lot of beauty. It's a shame that he's spent so much of his life in New York City but was never mentally there to admire it. So with the thought of the trashy, yet beautiful roses and all of his regrets; he buys them. Red roses with water droplets on the petals. The leaves are sticking out every-which-way but he knows that Ashton won't mind.

Seven minutes, he begins to wonder if Ashton will remember him. It's been a while since they've last seen eachother. Luke looks very different. What if Ashton doesn't love who Luke is now?

Six minutes, Luke remembers the last time he saw Ashton. He remembers the way he pushed the bubbly boy to the ground. The hurt and fear in the boy's eyes. It's here that Luke stops in his tracks. He starts to rethink this and regret ever leaving his house. Ashton probably hates him. Surely he hates him. Luke was a terrible person to him, always lying and making him upset. Ashton must hate him.

Luke can feel his throat closing in and his hands begin to twitch so he contiues to walk. He thinks of something new. Something to distract him.

Five minutes, he's nearly half way there.

Four minutes, the park smells the same as he remembers. He understands why he used to come here all the time. It's very calming.

Three minutes, his heart is beating out of his chest. His hands are wet from the roses. Or sweat. He can't tell.

Two minutes, he's going to pass out. His nerves are at their peak and he just knows he's going to pass out.

One minute, his cheeks hurt from smiling. He feels like he's going to jump out of his skin.

From where he is, he can see the curly hair. He can hear his loud laugh. His stomach begins to flip at the noise. He wonders..what is Ashton laughing so hard at?

Then, within seconds, he can feel his heart collapse. The sound of the roses hitting the ground cause the two boys infront of him to seperate lips.

His voice cracks.
It shakes.


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