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"Hey Theo, are you still going to come down here and sit with me during the fall? It'll get chilly but I don't want to be alone, again"

"Are you seriously still going to come down here? It's been like what, 4 months?"

"Well no it's just that-"

"Ashton, get over it. Get over him. He left and hasn't come back to even apologize."

Ashton grew quiet. He looked down into his lap and fiddled with his fingers nervously. His breath hitched and he could feel himself about to begin crying. He's realized only people telling him to get over Blue brought this action over him. His friends constantly told him that "this kid doesn't deserve your time of day" and "are you sure he even exists? Get over it, Ash."

"Ashton I'm sorry. That was rude of me to say"

"No it's," he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, in fear that his voice would break, "It's really okay. You're right, i should get over him. I am over him"

"Good! Really good for you! I would um.. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you out on a date. You're very cute and kind and so funny and I've liked you for the longest time. I just never knew when it was right to ask you out."

Ashton lifted his head to look at Theodore. Theo was a tall, handsome man that any girl would swoon over with just one glance at him. Ashton knew that this was a once in a life time chance. He knew that Luke wasn't going to come back. He knew that he should be madly in love with the man who has kept him company and let Ashton share his deepest thoughts with him - but he wasn't.


He wasn't in love with Theodore, or even liked him at all for that matter. Although he knew his emotions for Theo very clearly, Ashton had to get over Blue Eyes. He couldn't continue to dwell on someone who no longer wanted him in their life.

And so after a few seconds of thinking his answer over, he tucked all of his doubts and whisps of love for Luke under his skin, gathered any trace of excitement inside of himself, and said,

"YES! Oh my gosh!! Yes i would love to go out with you"

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