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"Luke can we play a game to get to know each other more?" 

"Why would we do that?"

"You didn't talk when we met and then we see each other after and I have a boyfriend and then we see each other again and we practically make out on the sidewalk. I want to get to know you."

"Oh. Yeah I guess that's fair."

"Soo.. tell me about your family" 

"I have 2 brothers, Jack and Ben. Two parents, Liz and Andrew. I have a dog back at home."

"What's your favorite color?"


"What's your favorite book?"

"I'm not a reader"

"What's your favorite song?"

"Hard to choose"

"Any best friends?"

"Probably just you"

"We hardly know each other. That's why we're playing this game!" 

"I know that you love to appreciate the little things in life. You say sorry to flowers when you accidentally step on them and you probably call them by names afterwards. You care about people whether you've known them for years or just a month. You always want the best for someone. You're headstrong and don't like to be proven wrong but if you are, you'll accept it without anger. You know you're cute and you know people swoon for your gorgeous eyes and your curly hair and childish giggle. You talk a lot and you don't mind it. You have a lot bunched up in that mind of yours that staying silent for more than five minutes would probably kill you. You love nature. You love watching people be happy. You're helpful. When you get angry your cheeks turn red and when you get nervous you play with the hem of your shirt. You own your sexuality and you probably always have. You are an incredible human being. " 


"I don't want you to feel like your question game was pointless. But I think the things we should know about people won't be found in games about their favorite color"

"So how am I supposed to know who you are?"

"You talk to me. You listen to be tell my childhood stories and what got me to move to the city. You let me take you out on dates to drive in movies where we hold each other close and talk about funny things that happened in high school. You observe me and watch over me like I'm a baby bird ready to jump."

"That's soo muuuchh time to be spent with you"

"Does that bother you?"

"No. Not at all."

"Okay then..let me tell you about this one Easter we had. We're on the hunt for this giant golden egg my parents hide and...."


hello i am super bad at updating lol love u guys thank u for reading this pooh :* 

-as always, love espinosa 

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