C H A P T E R 6-Destiny-

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After the wedding ceremony, you and Joohyuk are both in the limousine, quickly you remove the veil as you're silently suffocating under the covers for hours,


You let go a sigh of relief, Joohyuk laughed alittle and help to wipe your sweat on your forehead with a tissue,

"You did well right there."

"Only god knows how I felt under that veil, So damn hot!"

Joohyuk just smile as he stares at the lady whom had just hold the title as his 'wife' a few moments ago,

"Well, starting from now on, you'll be living with me."

"Obviously, I'm your wife, of course I will live under the same roof as you..."

"And sleep on the same bed as me."

You went silent as you had never expected or even thought about sleeping on one bed with a guy whose not even blood related with you,

"I hope you're okay with it..."

You snap from your deep thoughts then flash a smile towards Joohyuk,

"Well, take baby steps, I will try to make myself comfortable."


Joohyuk smile, you look at him with one eyebrow rised,

"Thanks for what?"

"For not being so damn awkward with me eventhough now the status between us are no longer childhood friends but as husband and wife."

"It will be tense at first but like I said, lets take baby steps, spend our time together to get to know each other more and make things less awkward, that's why every introduction of a certain event got the ice breaking session and as we got to your house, It's time for a husband and wife ice breaking session."

Joohyuk ruffles your hair and pinch your lips,

"You got a smart mouth."

"Well, you don't need to be smart just to say something wise."

Joohyuk smiles wider and pulls you into his arm as he's so exhausted,

"Lets took a nap while waiting for our arrival at the destination, my house is not that near, it's like an hour drive."

"Finally, Sleep!!"

You cheered and laid against his body while sitting in between his legs, your gown is quite disturbing and you can't wait to take it off and slip into your pyjamas.

Jimin knocks on the bedroom door of the bachelor in distress,


"Go away..."

Being ignorant as he is Jimin kicks open the door,


"I'll buy you a new door," Jimin cuts off, "what's more important now is why the fuck are you torturing yourself?!"

Jungkook let go a sigh and just stares down,

Jungkook let go a sigh and just stares down,

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