This Love Hurts (Boyxboy))

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~Liam's P.O.V~

I stepped out of the car and into night. I blinked a few times looking at the starry night sky above me appreciatively. After taking my luggage from the back trunk, I made my way up into the flat. 'So good to be home' I thought as I walked to my room and threw my luggage onto the bed. I sighed as I started to unpack my things. Touring was fun, but everything has its ups and downs, right? I mean it was really hard to not stare at that god of a boy. I smiled to myself as I finished unpacking. I threw off my trousers and my shirt as I climbed into bed.

'If only they weren't together' I thought in my head.

"If only who weren't together?" I jumped as Zayn spoke from behind me. Okay, so maybe it wasn't in my head.

"Huh? What?" I look around to find him leaning against the doorframe.

"You said 'If only they weren't together' what did you mean by that?"he asked me with a curious expression.

"Oh... Umm...I don't. Umm... I don't know..." I trailed off.

He chuckled and said, "Okay lad, whatever you say." He added, "Night Li" before turning to exit the room.

"Night Zayn." I replied back earning another chuckle. I hear his footsteps down the hallway until they are barely audible. I lay my head back on the pillow as I slowly drifted into dreams about us living together and having a family.

~Zayn's P.O.V~

It's so hard not letting him know that I love him. How do I tell him that the only reason that I am with her is to get my mind off of him?

IF only I could tell him how I feel...

IF only I could come out and say it...

IF only I can kiss him right now...

If only, if only, if only! Why can't admitting to him how I feel be as simple as loving him? Because believe me loving him is so easy, it's almost natural. I have loved him for two years now, all of which is bottled up inside! All of it is kept a secret because I know he doesn't feel the same way. I mean, I have never liked boys, well before him anyway. So I guess I'm bi? Ya, let's go with that! All I want to do right now is yell, yell at the top of my lungs how much I love him. I love his hair, his eyes and his abs. Oh My! How much I Wanna Lick Them. I walk into my room and get changed for the night.

Oh How I Love You-

~Niall's P.O.V~

I ran into my flat and right to the fridge.

"FOOD I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I wonder what I shall have. Pizza? Fish and Chips? Crisps? Oh how about everything?!

I rummage around the fridge and pick out stuff to make one of my special sandwiches. After making it, I grab a bag of crisps and make my way into the living room. I jumped onto my couch and flicked on the TV. I decided on the 'Inbetweeners'. I practically shoved the sandwich into my mouth along with some crisps as I watched the show. Soon my eyes started drooping and I realized I needed rest. I threw my plate into the sink and shut off the TV before making my way to the bedroom.

As I start to drift off, I keep having images of him. I can't think of him like that! He is my best mate! Oh what is wrong with me?

~Harry's P.O.V~

One thing I hate about long plane rides is jetlag! I trudged up the stairs and into the flat.

"FLAT SWEET FLAT!" I scream before making my way towards my room.

"Night Loubear!" I say to Louis on the way.

"Night my Hazzabear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams back. How does he have so much energy? I mean we were just on a sixteen hour flight! I chuckled as I slipped into the sheets

I closed my eyes, but instantly shot them open again. Why does he have to be everywhere? WHY WHY WHY!?!?!?!?!? Ugh! Why is it so hard loving him? And since when did I like guys? No not any guy just... him! I sighed and closed my eyes embracing the fact that he will be there in my dreams whether I like it or not.

~Louis's P.O.V~

"Night Loubear!" Harry calls as he passes by my room.

"Night my Hazzabear!" I screamed back. How is it that I have so much energy? I mean I'm so tired. It made absolutely no sense. I get changed and walk over to my window. I saw something shoot across the sky, A SHOOTING STAR! OH MY GOSH! IT'S 11:11 TOO! HOW LUCKY CAN I GET!?!?!?!? I closed my eyes and began my wish:

I, Louis William Tomlinson wish for him to love me back!

I smiled as I opened my eyes. I walked over to my bed and hopped in bed. The smile is still present as I throw the blankets over me. I wonder what it would feel like to have him sleep here next to me. I snuggle more into the pillow and slowly drift to sleep thinking about my love. Oh if only he loved me!


Hyia Everybody! Thanks for reading! I love all of my readers and I hope you love this chapter but don't get to confused! Any confusion just comment right below.

Ya down there!





Love ya muffins


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