Going on 'Vacation'

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~Louis' P.O.V~

"Daisy, Phebe, wake up!" I groaned and watched them sleep peacefully in their nice, warm bed while I'm out here freezing my arse off! Great, just great! I sighed and jumped down from their window and walked to Felicite's window, luckily it was wide open. I jumped up and opened her window a little more.

"What the f-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Fel-"


"First, I'm not Louis, I'm one of those crazy fans of his, duh! Second, watch out before I fall backwards!" I said in a high pitched squealy voice. She giggled and I moved to get in, but being my usual self, I caught my foot in the window and fell face first onto the floor.

"Awt weast its carpweted." I exclaimed into the carpet. I shook my head and got up.

"Now give your big, muscular, HANDSOME brother a hug." I smirked and she giggled, running into my arms and engulfed me in a hug.

"Know, wanna scare everybody?" She nodded rapidly and I bent down to her and whispered in her ear, explaining the plan, she giggled and shooed me downstairs and ran into Mum's room. I swiftly tip-toed down the stairs and to the living room, opening the trunk we had in the corner, don't ask, Mum says it 'Fits the style,' yeah, whatever. I picked up the blanket that was stored in their and quickly jumped in, curling into a ball aand throwing the blanket back over me before closing the top. Just in time too, because I heard a bunch of footsteps trudge down the stairs, yes we are a very loud family.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it!?!?!?!?" I heard a loud commotion and threw my hand over my mom to supress my chuckles. Luckily I didn't tell Felicite where, in the living room I was hiding.

"It's in the living room! GO, GO!"

"Lou come out!" Felecite whisper/yelled. I bit my tongue trying to supress another chuckle.

"Felicite, it is seven in the morning, now tell me why we are up!" I thought now was a good time because I heard voices and the kitchen and thought nobody was around. I threw the blanket around me so they wouldn't know it was me, and threw open the top.

"BOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

"MUM!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALL THE POLICE!!!!!! BURGERL-"

I through off the blanket and chuckled, "Don't know your brother when you see him now?"

"LOUIS!!" Was all I heard before I was trambled to the ground.

"Okay, okay, get off of me." I chuckled, they obeyed and I walked over to mum and hugged her.

"How are you doing?" I whispered in her ear.

"Better." She pulled away and smiled.

"Breakfast anybody?" There was a chorus of 'yeah' and 'yes' before she walked off into the kitchen to make it.

"I brought presents!" There was screaming then I was chased around the living room. "Wait! I gotta go get them!" I chuckled and made my way out the front door and towards my car. I heard the pidder padder of footsteps behind me, and chuckled knowing that the girls had followed me. Reaching into my back seat I started to pull out the lot of presesnts I had and walked back inside and to the living room. Sitting on the couch and throwing the presents beside me. Picking them up one by one I handed them out and picked up the smallest one, and walked into the kitchen.

"Here Mum." I extended my hand with the little wrapped box towards her and smiled, she took it exclaiming not to waste her money, but I didn't care, she deserved it. There was squels coming from the other room and mum and I chuckled. She opened the box and gasped at the sight. Holding it up she examined it, it was a silver encressed diamond bracelet with a hook clasp, written on the inside was her name and a heart. A tear escaped her eye and I brought my thumb up to her cheek gently wiping away the tear.

"I love it Boobear." She smiled and hugged me. "But why are you here?"

"Glad to know I'm welcomed." I chuckled and she playfully hit my arm and gave my a 'stop trying to change the subject' look. I sighed and sat down at the table.

"I was talking to Harry and we were playing around and then I went to my room and the doorbell rang, so Harry went to answer it. Before I knew it Liam was in my room, tears down his face, it hurt me to see him like that, worse that.... that I was the problem. He told me how much it hurt to like me and how he wasn't sure if I liked him back, and how he didn't even know he was bi until he met me. Then he went to kiss me and I freaked out and fleed... and that's how I ended up here..." I looked up at mum, she knew I was bi, ever since I was thirteen she knew, she knew before I told her, and I am so lucky she accepts me for who I am. She was quiet for a moment, before sitting across from me and taking my hands in hers.

"Listen boo, You love Liam and he loves you, know you know that for sure, now if you were in his situation wouldn't you be nervous too and maybe be mistaken for something. What if it were you in his shoes and he ran away like that after you told him something like that, what if you told him all of that and he freaked out when you tried to kiss him and ran? How do you think he feels right now, Boobear?" I thought for a moment and got a horrible feeling in my stomach.

"Oh Liam..." I mumbled and got up. "I gotta go mum, I'll come back this weekend. She smiled and nodded giving me a hug and grabbing an apple and giving it to me, before shooing me out of the kitchen.

"Girls, I gotta go, but I'll be back this weekend okay?"

"Don't go Lou! We miss you!" My heart broke as I heard as they clung onto me like it was the last time they would ever see me again. I forced a smile onto my face and walked to my car, closing the door and putting the keys into the ignition and pulling out of the driveway. Looking into the side mirror at the house, before it was no longer there and focusing back on the road concentrating on what I should tell Liam.

Harry's P.O.V

Sighing I put my phone back on the table. Louis hasn't answered me since that last text he sent me, and Liam hasn't moved from the bed.

You can hear him cry every once in a while and I wish I could comfort him, but he just pushes me away. I feel bad for him, I mean I don't get why Louis ran away like that, he has even told me for who knows how long, how much he likes Liam. And I don't get it, once Liam admits his feelings Louis suddenly gets freaked out. I mean I wouldn't be freaked out if-

"Harry?" I turned in the direction of the voice, where Zayn and Niall stood at the door. I motioned them and sat down on one of the chairs, propping my elbows on the table and resting my chin on my palms. They sat opposite of me.

"Has he come out?" Zayn asked, worry evident in his eyes. I know it has only been a day, but we are all starting to wonder if and when Louis will actually come back. Also where he is, and how long Liam will be like this. It hurts then the most, but it hurts us seeing them go through this.

"No, and every single time I go to check on him when he cries, he pushes me away and won't lemme near him! I'm trying to help him! I just wish Louis would come back, I mean I don't see why he ran in the first place, I mean we all know they have feelings for each other, it's ju-"

"Harry... Why do you think Louis... Umm... Ya know, ran off like he did?"

"I don't know Nialler, I just don't know." I mean how would you feel if, I did that to you?" He mumbled something and sighed before looking up at me.

"Take your hands, look in your eyes, and tell you I have the exact same feelings. For you. And only you." I gaped at him, I heard a fist connected with the table, it belonged to Zayn.

"Just great! No really, I enjoy this 100%. I'm outta here." With that he strides over to the door, opening it sharply, taking three pounding steps out, and slamming it behind him. I gaped at the door, and listened to his footsteps pound against the floor until they were no longer heard, then turned back to Niall.

"This just might be the craziest thing I have ever done."

Planting my feet on the ground, I rose from my chair and in two long strides, I bent down and my lips connected with Niall's luscious ones.

Teaser: haha, not happening. :P

Update: Within the next week :)

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