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Liam's P.O.V

I hit the red button on the side of my bed repeatly until the nurses came in.

"What's wrong Mr. Payne?!"

"Can... Can I have some... some pain reliver or something?!"  I said, furiously pointing towards my back over and over again. The nurse nodded, running quickly out and coming back with a cup of water and two huge pills. She handed them to me and I swallowed the pills, washing it down with the cup of water. Handing the glass back to her, I rest my head back on the annoyingly hard pillow, shutting my eyes. As time dragged on, the pain started to numb itself, and I couldn't feel it after thirty minutes.

Where are the boys? I thought to myself.

They went to get food.

Who said that?!


No, I'm right here.

Oh, sorry. Your conscience.

Oh.... how you doin?

Same as you, duh.

Oh... okay.

You should get something to eat, you seem hungry.

Okay, thanks bye.

Well..... That wasn't weird at all...

The door slowly opened revealing a very stressed out Zayn. He sighed and sat down in the chair next to me, moving it closer, causing the chair to scrap against the cold tile floor.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Got pain relieaver, how about you?"

"Erm... we are adopting a child..."

"Say what now?"

"We. Are. Adopting. A. Child." He said slowly, spacing out each word.


"Harry found her crying in the waiting room, she is very young, her parents died in a car crash and she lived... her parents were as young as us Liam..."

"What's her name?"


"Can you bring her in here?" He nodded and walked towards the door. "Oh, and can you get me my cellphone?" He nodded and exited the room.

My stomach growled and I cursed under my breath, not knowing what to do. I heard the door creak open and turned my head towards it, Zayn and Harry walked in both holding a little girls hand, she was wearing a white dress, her hair in a braid, she had blue eyes and she was quite short. She smiled up at Harry and Zayn as the swung her back and forth with their hands, she let out a tiny squel of joy as she went up a little to high. I chuckled and she looked up at me, staring at me.

"Hi Poppy." I smiled at her, she waved shyle at me. Harry leaned down and whispered in her ear, she nodded and giggled, she then ushered Zayn down the her size and whispered in his ear. He chuckled and stood straight up, I furrowed my brows and watched them as they creeped towards me, Poppy put her hands behind her back swinging back and forth childly and smiled.

"Weeyum?" She asked me in a cute little voice.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Watch out!" She screeched with laughter. I whipped my head around, but was met with a glass of water, I opened my mouth to say something, but before I could, ice cold water hit my face, sliding down my chin and onto the bed sheet. I gasped at the coldness and brough my hand up to my face, roughly dragging it across it and flicking off the water. I narrowed my eyes at the boys and sighed, shaking my head and chuckling. All the sudden the door burst open and all our heads whipped towards the doorway. There was a man, in a hospital gown, staring at me, I gasped as my eyes raked over his features, taking in all the pain he went through.

"Liam." His voice was like heaven to my ears.

"Boo Bear."

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