Off to a half start

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"Mother! I'm off to school" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. "Ok sweety just be back before 9. I have to tell you something important" was all I heard before walking out.

Time skip (at school)

"Brangggg!!" Was all I heard soon as I got to my locker. Since I was new here I really didn't know where to go but I just follow my instinct and use everyone else to help get my way around. I slammed my locker and speed walk to my class when I ended up bumping into somebody. " oh excuse me. I didn't mean to spill your drink on you." I said to this boy I never seen before. He was dark skin, had brown eyes, hair was dreading up a little and I'm guessing he's Jamaican by his voice. "You good ma" was all I heard until another boy came out of nowhere and yelled, " skiii! come on we gotta go before the teachers and staff come out ". As soon as I looked his way he immediately caught my attention. He was bright skin, had light brown eyes that can literally make a person love them and also had face tats. I got interrupted from my thoughts when he came towards me and asked , " who's you "? " my name blessing and you"? "X". "Cut the chatter come on X we gotta go." "alright bet". Was all I heard before both of them left. Im now 10mins late for class and getting nervous to walk. All I could think was would if people don't like me? Am I ugly? Am I'm not unique or attractive like all the other girls ?
I walked into the room and all eyes on me like I expected. "Hmm are you a new student here"? The teacher asked. "Yes I am". I replied back not knowing what he have up his sleeves.
"Well new student go ahead and tell us about yourself."
"Well my name is Blessing Corinor. I moved here 3 weeks ago and I'm 17 years old. I have no siblings nor a father. He died in a car accident while protecting me ." That was all I could say because I didn't want a tear to slip from my eye. "Well Ms. Corinor you can have a seat next to Michelle." I searched to find the empty seat and I saw. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I can already tell she's a talkative girl. "Sorry about your father." She said. "No, its ok" i replied. " I mean after all you did kill him" she mumbled to herself. All I could do was look at her with the disbelief face. I couldn't believe she just told me that like it was nothing.

At lunch

"Oh excuse me girl" I heard when someone bumped into me.
"Isn't That the girl who killed her father " as they laughed at me.
"Eww omgg why she dressed like that" ! someone screamed. Why am I getting all these hate comments when all I did was tell a life story. Its not good to talk about someone's deceased father knowing I was in danger myself and he was protecting my life. I ran out the cafeteria and down the hallway and Bumped into ski and X with tears falling down my face. "Bro what the f-" ! "Is you ok" ski asked. All I could do was run from them and go home. I couldn't let them see me like this. What's the point of me staying at the school when everyone already don't like me.
As soon as I got home I ran straight to my room. I quickly grabbed my laptop and begin writing. As soon as the girl walked in the room she was heartbroken at the sight she saw. The killer. She saw that the masked man killed her the only person she loved. The only person that she can look up too and depend on. Tears was bawling out her eyes and the killer instantly ran up to her with the knife pointed directly at her neck. Soon her life would of been over but someone came to rescue her. She was saved only by someone she neglected throughout her whole life. The man she...." 
Thats all she typed before falling asleep thinking what's tomorrow going to be like for her.


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