The cry

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" TRINGGG", "TRINGG", "TRINGG" was all I heard before 'accidentally' knocking down my alarm clock. I got out the bed with a loud blunt because I'm not prepared to go to school. I wanna stay asleep when there's no altercation in here. I decided to wear this cute outfit (picture above) because why not lol. I grabbed a apple from the fridge and sat down to take a look on my Instagram page. I notice that I got three new followers and decided to follow back. Turns out it was x, ski, and trippie page.

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I decided to like his picture and go like some of trippie's and ski. I noticed that I was 5 minutes late on my walk to school so I had to run the rest of the way. I was on my way to my locker and grabbed my books for english class. The bell rung and suddenly I was grabbed to the other side of the hallway. " Hey dirty girl" the blonde headed Michelle said. "Aww you scared?" She said with a snicker. "You the girl that been flirting with my man?" Another girl said. She was latino looking, had curly hair and skinny. "Who?" I asked wondering who she was referring too. "Trippie" she said looking at me with hate in her eyes. "First I didn't know he was taken and second he haven't told me that." I said semi yelled. "Girl shut up!" And with that I felt a sudden kicked to my stomach. I crunched down trying not to cry. Then another kicked came and hit my face. "What the f**k!!" I yelled out so loud because my eye was literally burning so bad. I tried getting up and surprisedly did. "Don't touch my man ever again." She said and with that they left. I'm slid back against the lockers thinking was it really worth doing that. I cried for a good 5 minutes thinking can I really go on looking and thinking like this. All the sudden I seen 2 people foot shadows. I dared not to look up because I didn't want to embarrass myself. A hand laid on my shoulder and I look up and it was X and Ski. "Come on" was all I heard from X. I got up and we walked out of school.

"Where is we going?" I asked hoping one of them respond. "To X house" ski said. He signal me to get into his 2018 camaro and I did. During the whole car ride it was complete silence. All you can hear is the car driving.

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