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  "Where is we going?" I asked hoping one of them respond. "To X house" ski said. He signal me to get into his 2018 camaro and I did. During the whole car ride it was complete silence. All you can hear is the car driving. We arrived upon his nice house again and settle down in the living room/kitchen. "WHAT HAPPENED!" X yelled to me. " Your girlfriend and that blonde chick name Michelle came and jumped me. She was like "don't ever touch/see my man blah blah blah." I said to him as calm as ever. Ski just laughed. "What's funny?" I asked him. "Why she still tripping over you bro? Y'all broke up like 1 yr ago." He said while shaking his head. "Idek that h*e need to get away from me. I told her to get over it but it seems like she haven't." X said while semi yelling. While they was talking my phone went off and it was a text from trippie.

Trippie: Hey Bless
                                   Blessing: Wassup
Trippie: you got something planned today?
                              Blessing: well yeah
Trippie: Well i'll hit u up tomorrow so we can work some out
                                  Blessing: OK I ttyl
Trippie: OK baby girl.

"What you over there smiling at?" X said to me. "Nothing" I said with a lil smile forming on my face. "Hand me your phone" he said while reaching out. "No" I said while protecting it. All in a flash he launch towards me with full force and got the phone and opened it. When did he ever got my password I thought in my head. " Oh so u texting this n*gga trippie now" He said in a angry, shocked,disappointed tone. "That isn't what it look like" I yelled in defense towards him. "Apparently it is if y'all tryna meet up and go on dates" he yelled again and handed my phone over to ski. "So he texted u first?" Ski asked. "Yeah" I replied back. "How did he even got your Instagram?" Ski asked me again wondering. " when we was at the party the other day, me and x got into a baby argument and I was high and I was dancing on him and stuff and he drove me home and yeah" I said with a believable face. "That explains it all" ski and x said. "Can I get my phone back" I said reaching out my hand. "Not until you and X get on the same term that me and you on bless." Ski said while looking at us both. So me and X walked upstairs to sort things out.

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