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I woke up due to the fact I heard a crashing noise in the kitchen.  It was my mom. Every since my father died, she's been drinking every week. "Hey honey how you doing?" She slurred out. " Mom what is this! What were you thinking?" I yelled to her. "Now honey there's no need to be upset. I was just having a little fun." She said smiling while still sweeping the glass. Fun? What you mean? I asked. And at that moment a man came from upstairs in his underwear. "WHO THE H*LL ARE YOU?"  I yelled at the fact my mom invited a random man in the house. He looked nervously at my mom and I seen that she have gave him a signal to tell something. "Well blessing, I'm a soon to be step father" he said calmly and went to go kiss my mother. I instantly ran upstairs to grab my phone and laptop and ran downstair out the door. "BLESSING! WHERE ARE YOU GOING " "BLESSING COME BACK!" as they yelled for me.
  I kept walking. I was mad, furious, and sad. How could my own mother had a boyfriend and a fiance behind my back without me knowing. That was low. I thought when I arrived at this park and sat down and began writing. The man she once loved. He kicked the killer who was still destined to murder me. He ran towards me again with full speed and out of nowhere gunshots was fired. The killer body fell to the floor. Blood was pouring from his back,chest and leg. I stopped as I heard a sound but didn't see no one. I closed my laptop and begin exploring the park. I then again heard something. I turned pass the seesaw and I saw X and Ski. I used my hands to wipe away my dry tears before speaking. "Hey you guys" I said with a fake smile. "Oh hey blessing what you doing here all alone at 12 at night" he asked curiously. " its kinda personal but just say I came to get some fresh air". Ski nodded his head meaning he understood. "Hey its this party X having at his house in a few. You should come." Ski said. X just look at him like dude why you told. "Yeah sure" I said. "I have nothing else better to do." As I switched my laptop to my other hand and with that it caught X attention. "Why you got a laptop with you?" He said pointing at it. "I write books" I said thinking proudly to myself. "we wanna read it" they both whined out. "No. Not until its halfway done." I told them. "Come on before we miss the party " ski yelled and both me and X followed without saying a word.

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