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"Wooww" I said as I seen the gigantic house we arrived to.
As soon as i walked in all I saw was smoke, dancing, half naked dudes and females. Ski went off somewhere with this girl and I saw x getting high. "You wanna hit" he asked. "Nah I don't smoke" I said not to be rude. "Come on blessing just try it" he said looking at me with a half smile. "Fine" I replied and took the Backwoods out his hand. After a couple of times my eyes started to get heavy. "X I'm sleepy" I yawned out. "Then go to sleep" he semi yelled at me. " lose your attitude" I said to him before leaving. As I was making my way towards the exit I bumped into this dude. He was light skin and had dreads.
"Woahhh. Watch where you going baby girl." He said looking at me from head to toe. "Woahh. I didn't see you my bad" I said laughing. "What's your name beautiful?" He asked. "Blessing. How bout you?" I replied back. "Michael but everyone know me by trippie." He responded. "Well trippie since you seem nice care to take me home?" I asked him with a smile. "Sure" he said while laughing.

Time skip to home

After I took a nice long bath I was wondering what had happened to be exact. Why did we yell at each other to begin with ? Soon I put on my clothes, grab my laptop and headed to my bed.
I looked at the killer body for a brief second. I ran out the house to get some fresh air. "you OK?" The one I once loved asked me. "not really. I just want to know why he was after me and my mom. Why her! He should of killed me!" I yelled while crying. My once loved one pulled me to my chest to comfort me. Then all the sudden I heard a gunshot and he fell back. "Gabriel!" I yelled. I hurried to check his pulse but nothing. I heard another gunshot towards me and I ran fast away from the shooter.
   That's enough writing I said to myself before putting up the laptop and turning my light off. "Sorry" was all I can say before falling into a deep sleep.

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