you & i

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"do you look at us and laugh, when we hold onto the past?"

have you ever thought endlessly about how things could be? spent hours in the car listening to music, half conscious but yet more sober than ever, thinking about what would've happened if you had done something different or had the strength to say something? if you had acted differently a certain day?

because i have, i still do. i ponder in my expansive mind about how the next years will go. will we grow stronger or weaker? will you move on without me? forgetting about me and the emotion i had for you? i fear so.

because what if- what if we fell into love instead of out of it? what if my love and my support is exactly what you need to heal from the wound that god has given you so young. what if my soul are yours are oppositely charged magnets. perfectly adorning each other and supplying what the other lacks.

what if

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