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dear s, 

you were drunk last night. called me on the phone to tell me that you loved me. "i love you." but it wasn't in that way. because "we're close like that." you're stirring the pot. what kind of joke is God trying to pull. i'm one of your closest female friends. you defend me when i hadn't asked. you make me remember the way i felt that night in chicago with you. i saw you, but last night you were compromised. you were truly you without all the pain. i know what she did to you, how she broke your heart and left you to pick up the pieces. im so sorry. please call if you need me. i'm always here. what timing. the same night i leave him you come to tell me you love me. i love you too. i'm afraid of next year, of seeing you everyday. it's better this way, separated but together. i only want to see you happy. but deep down i still feel like it could be me. maybe not. i'm not even over him. but you're everywhere. always trying to mess up somebodies' vibe. you're better when you're drunk. i am excited and scared for the memories that we will share. just know i love you too. 

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