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and for a brief moment it slipped into my head. that feeling, that wonderment. 

what would it be like for just a moment pressing my lips to yours. looping my arms around your neck. having your arms travel around my waist and finding solace there. finding that type of person and relationship that just makes you wanna curl up into them and never leave. 

i'd never leave, you know i'm solid through whatever happens. good or bad. all i want, all i need in my life is you. you finished the sentenced i needed the answer to. 

you fill my heart with something i've never felt before. you actually wanna talk to me. just me. 

you want me to bring you everywhere. my parents get mad because of it. 

so maybe it isn't bad that i let my mind mull and wander over the aforementioned. maybe it's in my future but maybe it's not. and that's what i wanna know. i wanna know how you feel. i wish there was a way for you to see this. you make me happy and i wanna keep you around. 

keep in touch, love

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