i don't know how

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I hate that you make the things I like remind me of you. I hate that I see you active on Instagram. I hate that I see likes photos from you. I wish you never entered my life. I wish I could start over with you.I watch friends on my phone I think of you. I scroll though Instagram to see photos liked by you. I think of flying out of Chicago and think of you. I eat pizza and think of you. I think of doughnuts and I think of you. I listen to xxx and think of you. I listen to Khalid and I think of you. I think of that song and I think of you. I'm sick and tired of seeing the things I love and thinking of you. I'm sick and tired of thinking of you. I'm sick and tired of seeing you at school. I'm sick and tired of you hanging around. I'm sick and tired of you still being friends with my people. I'm sick and tired of mind manipulation. What do you want from me? I don't know how to leave you in past. I'm not sure I want too. But I have to try. Because I'm tired of you reminding me of things. I'm tired of your presence. I'm tired of you. I hate that I still care but I'm working on that. These things don't happen over night though. It's a process.

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