the end

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i will always love you and care for you. i am sorry for everything that has happened between us. i've come to a decision. i do not think we should be together. i am immensely proud of you and how far you've come. you deserve the world, but the way i feel now, i know it is not me. if i dated you, i would forever feel guilty for preventing you from feeling love at its strongest. i know you are in love with me, but i am positive there is someone out there you will love more. i know that it hurts now and it will for a while. but i am here and am not leaving. what i do ask of you however is that you move on. 


what's said is done, no going back. it is time for me to move on from you, i'm not coming back. i wish you the best i do. i hope you find the love of your life, someone who will love you for you. no exceptions. what we had is lost and we can not get it back. remain in love, stay safe, live your life the way you would. don't be hung up on me, i'll miss you but i also have a life to live, i can't stay hung up on you. i love you. thank you for everything. goodbye. 

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