Chapter one

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"Andrew! Look out!"Aurora screams.
*tires squeals, crashing sounds.*

Two weeks before- October 1st, the beginning.

The sound of my cell phone alarm came in range as I slowly woke up. I lifted my head to turn it off and slumped down, trying to fully wake up. I look over at the clock realizing that I didn't have a lot of time before school, I sluggishly got up and hopped into the shower, still half asleep. It was about the third month of school, and at this point, everything had settled, and everyone was back on their schedule.
  "Hun, hurry you're going to be late." My mom yelled from the other side of the door.
  "Okay, mom!" I yelled back rubbing my wet hand over my face.
   I twisted the knob turned off the water and wrapped the towel around my lower half as I went to my room. Throwing on my favorite pair of black jeans that has a hole in my left knee, and a white plain shirt that I paired with a flannel. As I finished sliding on my white slip-on vans I grabbed my bag. Walking out the door before quickly pivoting back in for my Jean jacket. My arms attempted to put the jacket on, as my bag was dangling from my mouth, heading down the stairs for school. My mom was already gone for work by the time I made it to the kitchen. Which is usually what happened anyway. I grabbed some waffles she put in the toaster for me, pouring some coffee. As I did, I looked at the time, *7:56* "Crap." I said taking a quick sip and leaving it.
   I just turned 18, my life was set, at least not too bad if I say so myself: Got a great truck, good grades, it is senior year, got decent friends- that I've known for a while now. Hopping into my truck, with half a waffle in my mouth and tossing my bad in the passenger seat, I left for school. So my school life? Well, I'm nothing special although everyone knows me as the guy with the nice ride. I pull into school with a 1950 chevy 3100 pick-up truck. Beautifully red with a golden-brown oak wood bed and matching railing, with white wall tires; my grandpa John had owned it before, he gave it to me in his will before my 16th birthday. All I had to do was pass my driver's test. It was an honor to get to keep 'beauty'. The name he gave her, once he got it from his pops. despite the gift it was hard- My grandpa was the only father figure I had after my dad passed away in the army. Grandpa John was always there for me when I needed it. Helped out my mom take some load off. She was given a good sum of money from him. It helped us stay afloat while she grieved and now we're thriving. My dad was said to have gone missing in action. That's as much as we know because we haven't heard anything more. Or at least I haven't. I like to believe he went quickly, that it was protecting someone else.
I parked to the right of the school's parking lot, away from most of the other cars, because I honestly didn't trust anyone. I grabbed my bag and got out of the truck, locking it as I did. Closing the door, I checked to make sure it was locked for sure. I shoved the keys in my pocket as I walked towards the school. There she was, walking towards me as the prettiest girl does in the movies- in slow motion. Aurora is my best friend, and has been for a long time— Since we were 12 if I remember correctly; At 10 I moved here from Santa Cruz- it was right after my dad passed. My mom, April, thought it would be better for the both of us to get away, start fresh is what she always said. I lived right on the other side of the block from Aurora. We just didn't know that at the time. As far as we knew, we just had school together, but she and I never spoke before. It wasn't until our teacher, Ms. Louis decided to do an activity to see who shared the same birthdays, like two years later. We had talked to most of the other students before reaching each other. When it was our time to share, we found that we didn't quite share the same month as we did the day and year. Aurora's was October 17th (which is coming up soon) and mine was September 17th. We instantly hit it off, and we've been friends ever since. I greeted her with a smile as we came close enough to see our expressions.
"Hey, the dragon awakens from his slumber." She says in a playful tone, with a smirk following the mockery.
I smiled shaking my head at her hint that I slept too much, we met and merged, and I turned walking side by side, heading back towards my truck. We tend to do that in the mornings when there was conference periods. Aurora was a pretty smart girl, she never gave herself credit for it but I'm sure she'd say the same about me. I put down my tailgate so we could sit and wait until school started. She placed her bag behind her as I did the same, I put my hands in my jean jacket; Mornings were getting colder and soon we'd be sitting inside my truck with the heater on, but for now, we soaked up the last bit of warmth from the fleeting summer. She was wearing this blue sweater that made her skin seem lighter in a good way, it was also the way the morning sun looked behind the clouds. She wore light jeans that hugged her body, her shoes always seemed to match- they were black ankle boots. She always had a great sense of fashion. She got me wearing 'more trendy clothes' now. Her hair was a relaxed curl with half of it up, it was different today like she was becoming of age. Made sense to me. The upper half was in this very aesthetic braid that fit her perfectly.
"So did you tell your dad about the surprise I'm taking you on for your birthday?" I asked. Still trying to warm my hands up.
"Oh shoot, I knew I forgot something. I'll ask him today." She reached a hand up, pulling the loose hair out of her face.
  Aurora and I decided when we were 12, after sharing a kiss that for our 18th we'd do something special. Like a celebration of not only our life but our friendship. It was also then that we decided that we would remain friends, for if anything were to change between us, it would destroy us. I didn't see that ever happening. I know my mother would kill me if I ever treated any woman poorly. But I also understood, we had watched many peers have that happen throughout the years together that we knew at the time it was the best bet for us.
"Okay, well make sure you do, it's only two weeks away," I told and she smiled with a nod.
There were often two other friends we normally hung out with. They always showed up a little later in the morning, usually right before the bell rang. Hazel and Lucas. They were dating. Hasn't always been that way, but we knew it was bound to happen. Once the bell rang, we walked towards the school doors, walking together until we had to split our classes.
  The first four periods always went by strangely fast, but they were always just a blur, I was still half asleep in those classes, I believe once or twice I've fallen asleep first. That was math, never been very good at it. My brain felt like it was going to explode because of all the information being fed to me. Information that I didn't get right away like the other students. When lunch came around, we'd all met up at our spot, the bleachers by the football fields. One by one, we would show. Somehow, I was always the first one there. I sat on the bleacher, pulling my lunch out of my bag when Aurora walks up setting her plate of food next to me before untangling herself from her bag and setting it down. As she sat the other two walked up behind her, setting their food next to each of us and sitting.
  The thing to know about Hazel and Lucas is as I said before, they weren't always a couple. At one point they hated each other, perhaps it was to hide the obvious feelings they had for one another. We both called it, secretly of course. They had no real reason to dislike each other. Anyway, we were all just super close friends. Aurora and I were always around one another, and have been friends for longer. The other two were close though, but slowly we noticed they weren't fighting anymore until they told us that they had been secretly dating for a couple of weeks, they said that it was 'to see where it'd go.' Welp, they're still together and barely hang around us. We know they like to do couple things without us around. But to be honest we never mind. It got annoying at times. We (as in Aurora and I, and casually them) chatted about random things, like family, and the future now that we were seniors, we talked about how everything will change. How we'll miss these days even though it seemed unlikely. We'd always try to remember a memory of our high school years just cherish them for that moment when they came to mind. Eventually, lunch was over and the students, including us, scurried off to whatever we had next. The last few periods always seem to be the longest. There weren't any more breaks until school was dismissed, so the minutes felt like hours that would never end.
  After school, Aurora usually got a ride home from me but most days we'd just go to my house. See the thing is, Aurora's dad was quiet, so much so that it made you very, very uncomfortable; she told me he wasn't always that way. I remember briefly the time as a kid when he seemed cool and fun. Aurora said it all changed once her mother died. I don't blame him, I've dealt with plenty of death, it takes a toll, especially when it's someone as close are your spouse. We got inside and went straight for the fridge, laying our bags on the table.
"Hey, mom." I said, kissing her cheek, "Any mail for me?"
"Hey, hun. Oh hey, Aurora! Sweetie, how are you?" My mom April says, putting my question on hold.
"Hey, Miss. Hernandez, I'm great, and yourself?" They greeted each other.
"Oh sweetie, please call me April! But that's wonderful sweetie, I'm doing well. Thanks for asking." She told, "No drew there isn't."
Aurora smiled in acknowledgment of my mom's correction.
"Okay, well we're going to do some homework." I brushed by the counter having two sodas and some chips in my hands.
Walking out of the kitchen, I hand Aurora her chips and soda. We walk up the stairs and entered my room. She sat on the bed placed her bag beside her and unloaded her notebooks for the homework she had. I ran downstairs to grab mine realizing I left it.
"So how'd you do on the Econ exam?" She asked when I entered the room again, laying on my bed, sipping at the cold soda.
I placed my backpack down, and plopped onto the bed, "The exam?" I paused, "Was, well decent, I guess." I scratched the back of my head.
"Decent? How can a test be decent? Tests suck!" She smirked, "Oh wait, I forgot. You enjoy them." She chuckles.
"Ha-ha. This test was rough on me, that's why I said decent."
"Every test is rough!" She laughed in mockery.
My mom yelled for me downstairs, "Yes?" I shouted back.
"Come here please."
"Ugh- they're able to yell for us to come, but not able to yell what they want." I set my soda down, walked to the door, and turned to face her, she looked at me and we both said, "parents." Hearing a laugh from Aurora as I went down the stairs again, snickering to myself at the odd quirks we do together.
I walked down to the kitchen where my mom was going through and opening the mail, "Hey, what's up?"
"So, I was wrong, you do have one." She lifts the piece of mail in her hand, then looks up to see me with a mocking face, "what?" She sighs in a laugh.
  "You were wrong?! Wow, are you feeling okay?"
She playfully tries to smack me with my mail as she laughs.
Dodging the hits, I finally snatch the mail from her, "It's a late but early birthday card for you and Aurora." She told.
"From who?!" I asked.
"Donna hun." She pointed at the cursive writing.
"Ha duh. Wow, that's nice of her. Okay, I'll take it up to Aurora." I said beginning to walk away.
  "Oh, hun." My mom called after me.
  "Make sure you tell her to thank you, Okay? The number is on the fridge." She tells pointing at the little old folk's home card.
  "Yeah, Of course." I walked out and darted up the stairs.
With Aurora in my room I walked in and sat on my bed, "Hey my grandma, Donna sent us both a card." I waved it up.
  "Really?" She reached out as I handed it to her.
  "Yeah. I feel guilty forgetting I still have a grandparent alive." I sat there, as she looks at her name.
  "Don't feel bad for that Drew, you are busy with life. I'm sure she doesn't hold you against you." She told. She brushed her thumb over her name in cursive, almost admiring the beauty in it.
  "You can open it if you want," I told. Not responding to her about it.
I didn't think she would hold it against me, but it was also because she probably didn't know about the guilt I was feeling. With her living at a home, I didn't get to see her a lot anymore unless we went to see her. Aurora was right, I am busy, with school and life I just don't think about her and it messed up but not on purpose.
  Aurora looks at me, "Really, Drew no. It's both of ours." She said.
  "I know- but I don't mind you opening it," I said back.
She rolls her eyes and opens the top with one movement of the thumb, the envelope tore open. She pulls out the card and begins to read the front, then opens it to find $200 slid out the bottom.
"Drew oh my god, look what she gave you!" She told, holding the whole two hundred bucks in hand.
"No way?!" I took the card from her hand and read the inside,

"My dearest Andrew and his lovely friend Aurora. I am blessed to see you both grow into beautiful/ handsome adults! With that, I share these special days with you. Here is $200, a hundred for each of you, spend it wisely! ~Love Donna, xoxo!"

I put the card down after reading it aloud.
"Aww, she's so nice," Aurora said with a smile.
"Wow, she's never given me money before."
"Maybe it's because she loves me." Aurora bragged playfully, waving the $100 as she leaned towards her bag, giggling at herself. I shook my head at her confidence that was, in all honesty also sort of cute. I shoved mine in my pocket. I let Aurora keep the envelope since she loved the way her name was written. I put the card on my desk and sat back in my chair.  Aurora and I switched seats shortly after that because she asked to use my computer for an essay she had to write; she was always a very creative person- shame she won't believe me. I worked on some math, leaning against my bed. Dinner came and went, and neither of us was aware it had gotten so late.
Downstairs as my mom was sitting in the living room eating popcorn, watching DIY, when she heard a knock on the door, a few moments later.
"Andrew!" I heard from the bottom of the staircase.
"Coming!" I called back.
I went to the edge of the steps and looked out, there he was, Aurora's dad. And behind him was the pitch black of the night. Gave me chills- the darkness was creepy too.
"It's time for Aurora to come home son." He spoke in a deep voice.
"Yes sir," I told turning to get her.
My mom hugged her before she left and after she was gone we made some food. My mom and I decided on a movie or two before heading to bed.
As Aurora's birthday got closer I was finishing up the last bit of the surprise. Talking to mom about the food ideas, and the money for gas and whatnot. She even gave me a little extra for her gift.  At school I met up with her, as she was talking with Lucas, I pulled her away and we talked more about her birthday; since we made it our celebration, we decided not to say anything to Lucas or Hazel. We wanted it to be just us.
"Oh, hey my dad said yes I could go. And he understands that you're taking me somewhere as a surprise, he just wants to know what time I will be picked up and when I'll be home."
"Great! I'll be picking you up about 10 am and we will be back around 8 pm-ish - it's not for sure so tell him 9 just to be safe."
"Alright? What are we doing that will take all day?" She smirked, while we walked to class.
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
"Of course, you'd say that." A side smile was left on her face. She hated surprises, but I knew she secretly enjoyed them and really couldn't stop me either.

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