Chapter six

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- October 16 - Stuck - One hour later - 7:30 -

I woke up with a slight ringing in my ears, with the sharp pains coming back again. I look over and Aurora's our cold still.
"A- Aurora." I tried but nothing came out.
I couldn't believe this was happening. That just a few or so moments ago we were headed down the moutains, just having an amazing time. This couldn't be happening. I had to be dreaming, I hoped I was. I needed to get out of the truck, I reached for the seat belt and it clicked open and I gasped from pain. I took a deep breath in through my nose and out of my mouth, controlling my breathing the best I could. I tried to open the door but it was jammed. I began slamming myself against it, ignoring the aching bones and muscles that were injured. I finally got it open and tumbled out of the truck, "Ah, ow." I groaned.
"I'm coming Aurora." My voice in and out from coughing.
I get myself up and on my feet, immediately realizing that my left leg was definitely broken, I leaned against the truck. I held my ribs which were also broken. My arms were okay, just busted up along with my lip, head and I think ear.
"Okay." I told myself, taking a deep breath in, "You're okay." I let it out.
I used the truck as support as I walked around the front to Aurora. My breathing is heavy. I could see my breath with every exhale and began to get worried. I looked behind me and up, seeing barely anything, the only light was my broken head light from the truck.
I screamed despite the broken ribs, "Hello!"
Then heard my voice echo then a soft groan from Aurora, I turned toward her, "Aurora?!" I said, reaching in moving her head away from the window so I could open the door. As I opened it and checked for a pulse, I see blood all over her, and my heart dropped but she was still alive.
"Aurora." I said holding the sides of her face.
Her eyes opened slowly and unsure. She looked at me and her eyes filled with tears, she was afraid, I could tell.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here." I smiled, holding her the best I could.
She put her hands on the mine closed her eyes again. I used my thumbs to swipe the tears away. I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, she smiled.
"Hey, I'm going to find a blanket." I told.
She nodded as I stepped away limping, "Andrew you're injured?"
"I'm okay, just a flesh wound." I lied.
I found the blanket, ripped and dirty but didn't care, I brought it too Aurora, laying it on her. She was out again, I kept waking her up every few minutes to make sure she was okay.
She woke up a few minutes later, "Andrew?" She cried.
"Yes?! I'm here." I grabbed her hand from the floor, leaning against the truck. Using her hand but mostly the door, I got myself up.
"Why can't I move." She breathed heavily.
I didn't say anything, I didn't want her to know, I wanted her to stay calm. But it was inevitable.
"Drew.. why can't I move?!" She began to get worked up.
"Hey, I need you to stay calm for me, please." I told. "can you do that?" She nodded slowly.
I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it, than lead her left hand to her stomach, trying not to cry. She filled with tears again, feeling the front end of a metal tube from the road side railing coming through her.
"You can't move because the seat and the seat belt is keeping you alive Aurora." Tears rolled down both our faces. "I'm going to get you out of here, I promise. You're going to make it." I told.
After a while she was calm again, I tried to come up with things to talk about, things that would keep her awake, but after awhile it began to get colder, and hard to stay there. I reached over her for my jacket and put it on. Then decided to look at my leg, I looked up at Aurora, she was asleep. I carefully rolled up my pant leg, wincing at the pants being stuck. I saw how broken it was, and that it was pretty bad looking. I got two sticks that looked strong and used the truck seat belt to keep it there.
"Andrew? Your leg!" Aurora said.
"Oh hey you're awake." I told.
"Just a flesh wound? Really?" She questioned as I rolled down my pants and stood.
"Yeah." I smiled.
She smiled at me, "You're unbelievable."
"Hey, I don't need you worrying about me, okay."
"But Andrew, your leg."
"It's just a leg. I'm not too worried about my leg." I put my hand on her face. "Okay?"
"Okay." She pressed against my hand, perhaps for the warmth or maybe the reassurance that she'd be okay, that she would make it because of me.
She began to fall back to sleep, "Hey I need to you to stay awake. I know you're tired but try to stay awake for me." I told.
She nodded. I made sure she was comfortable where she was and if she needed anything. Of course I knew she was cold, hungry and well probably dying. She needed medical attention now. I looked back up at the road.
"Hello! Anyone up there!" There was nothing.
"Hey." She looked at me pale in the face.
"Hey, are you feeling okay?"
"If-" She stuttered, "If anything happens to me-"
"Hey no, nothings going to happen to you." I cut her off.
"Andrew, if something does, I need you to tell my dad I love him, that I always have and always will."
"You can tell him that, when we get out of here, okay." I told.
"Andrew you're not listening. I need you to tell him. Please." She begged.
"Okay." I said softly.
"Thank you." She struggled.
"Try not to use so much energy."
I sat with her, doing my best to keep her warm. It was about 10:00 now and it was only getting colder, I kept Aurora awake and checking her wounds. It didn't look good. I got up to find my phone, knowing it probably wouldn't have any service, because we didn't make it far enough down the mountain. I looked all over, well the best I could, sense I couldn't see much, than looked back at towards where the street light would be if it was working still. I wanted someone to be there, someone to tell me that the police were coming, something, anything that would restore my hope for getting out of here. I didn't find my phone, figured it was gone, broken most likely.
I limped back over to my truck and was crushed, he would be so upset, "I'm so sorry grandpa."
"Why?" A voice from behind me said.
"What?" I turned and saw my grandpa John, right there, "How- how are you- you here?" I asked.
"I'm not son." He told.
"I don't understand?" I questioned.
"I'm here because you need me to be." He said.
"I- I don't know what to do grandpa."
"My boy." He walked up to me, "I don't care about the truck." He put his hands on my shoulders, "I do care about you and her. Be with her, she doesn't have long." He finished and then disappeared.
I got myself together and went back with Aurora who had her eyes closed again.
"Hey, Aurora, I need you to wake up." She opened her eyes. "There are those beautiful eyes." I smiled, she smiled with me until she began to cough up blood in her hands.
"Drew?!" She said in panic.
"I'm right here." I said, using my jacket to wipe the blood off her hands, "use the blanket okay." I told.
"I'm scared." She cried.
"I know, I'm here, I got you." I replied.

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