Chapter seven

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- October 17th - Breath - 2:00 Am -

  I heard coughing and jumped up. I ran to her, the best I could. She was coughing up more and more blood.
"Andrew." She called.
"Yes?" I said.
"Do you think they've noticed we've been gone?" She asked.
"Oh yeah! I'm sure my mom started to freak after my bed time passed and I wasn't in bed." I joked.
We both laughed, then moaned in pain.
"S-sh-she probably thinks I kept you out here."
"Yup, because she always thought of you as a bad example for me." I teased.
She weakly smiled which crushed my heart, I felt myself get colder.
"Hey, promise me something." Aurora asked softly.
"Yeah, anything." I sat up a little from a rock that was facing her.
"Promise me you'll never stop coming here. That you'll never stop loving like you do." She replied.
"Aurora don't talk like that." I told.  "We're getting out of this together."
"Promise me Drew." She said again.
"I promised you I'd get you out of here, I won't promise this." I told.
"Yes you can!"
"Because I need you to know that it's okay that you couldn't get me out of this, that it's not your fault." She began, "So Promise me that you will always come back and love like you do."
I sighed looking down, "I promise." I was going to say something but, she got to it first.
"Don't say sorry Andrew." Aurora began softly looking ill, "This isn't your fault. You don't have any reason to feel that you are in any way responsible for that others car mistake." She coughed harder, "I had so much fun Drew, don't think for a minute this would ruin it." She said holding my hand.
I squeezed it trying not to cry, "I only wanted the best for you Aurora." I told.
"You gave me nothing but the best. I only wish we could've realized that sooner." She said that and I looked at her, knowing she meant the kiss and the obvious bond we had, which was definitely more then friends. My eyes began to get blurry and I had to look away to wipe the tears the had escaped from me.
"So do I." I told.
I looked at her, leaned in with every inch of me in pain. I kissed her this time knowing exactly what I was doing. I had too, she needed to know how I felt without words. She didn't hold anything back either. We put our foreheads together as I held the back of her neck, we cried for a moment. We both knew what that moment meant, it was us saying it without it leaving our lips. I sat there with her as the sun came up, I was dozing off as I heard her, "look the sun is coming up." I could hear the smile in her voice, as I looked up from the ground. My eyes took a moment to adjust, then I saw. The beautiful display of colors. The birds chirping, not understanding what's is going on down here below them.
"It's beautiful." I smiled with tear in my eyes, "Happy birthday." I said softly. I waited a moment, expecting something smirky or even the soft thank you, nothing. "Aurora?" I said before looking back at her, "Aurora?" I said, "Hey, hey, No, Aurora, wake up." I held her face. "Please god no!" I screamed. I kept trying to wake her. I grabbed her hand which was limp and cold, "No, please." I looked down and her hand was pale.
Part of me of me knew she was gone, "Please, please plea-" I began to cry, I covered my face with my  hands. I was numb. I held her hand, rubbing it softly with my thumb, leaning against the mangled truck. My leg was numb at this point from the cold and I was use to the pain from my ribs. I watched the sun come up as the reality began to set in. I wasnt dreaming, this was real. This has actually happened and she was gone. I began to struggle to keep my eyes open anymore, I accidentally let go of her hand and its lifelessness fell to her side. I felt my whole life crumbling.
"Hello?" Someone called out.
I stood and look out to the road, there was a women, perhaps from the other car? Maybe she was going to work from her house and saw the other car. Who knows.
"Yes, I'm here." I went and stood in the little head light that was there.
"The paramedics are on their way! Is there anyone else down there?"
"It's me and my friend! She isn't responding."
She nodded, than disappeared, I stumbled back over to Aurora and suddenly feel lightheaded- it goes black.

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