Chaper five

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- That night - Down hill - 6:30pm -

It was getting cold outside so I put the warm air on as we drove down the mountain. It was pretty dark out, we couldn't see much other then what my head lights were showing. She was quiet again, music taking up the empty space of our unspoken thoughts.
   "Thank you." She told out of no where.
   "For what?" I questioned. Once again speaking when I started to think about the silence.
   "For this. It was incredible! If I could describe how magical every moment was, I would." She stopped, "But I'm afraid I'm speechless." She told, waving her hands as she spoke. Accidentally laying her left hand down on mine that rested on the center console.
We look at it, holding our breath like it was wrong to breathe. I had to make a decision, but I also didn't want to make her uncomfortable, if I haven't already.
   "It was my pleasure, miss Aurora." I smiled, opening my fingers allowing hers to intertwine with mine.
I could tell she was getting red, she looked out the window so I wouldn't see. I heard her laugh a little until it faded, that's when I got nervous and began to overthink everything after the kiss.
   "Are you okay?" I questioned. "If it was the kiss or me holding your hand- if I pushed anything, I apologize."
She listened to me talk and was shaking her head, "whoa wait, no! I'm okay Andrew, I'm really just tired. It's been a long day. In a good way."
I felt my muscles relax and my mind stop yapping,  "Well you can take a nap, I can wake you when we're close." I offered, taking my hand away.
"I'm okay, thanks though." She sat there shifting her eyes, she seemed to be pondering, "So." She put her elbow on her knee and held her face up.
   "So what?" I questioned with a smirk.
   "Nothin." She looked at me.
   "Wait, no! now you have to tell me!"
   "Nah I changed mind." She looked at me teasingly.
I looked at her giving her the look, she started laughing, than I was too. Suddenly she gasps and yells, "Andrew, look out!"
I look up to see another car headlights in our lane. I tried to swerve to miss the on coming car but its front end nicked the back of the truck, sending us skidding right towards the railing. The other car I believe, hit the side of the mountain right next to the light pole, they must be knocked out if they weren't already. Aurora and I go through railing and off the edge, my truck was skidding side ways, I couldn't get it to straighten out in time. We tumble all the way down until there was ground there to stop us. All I could hear is glass shattering, the truck being thrown around, and Aurora's horrible screams, than silence.
I don't remember when the tumbling stopped nor how long we've been there at that point. My grandpa's truck was completely destroyed, it rested on all four wheels, somehow we got that lucky. It was wedged between a rock, not going anywhere; it made the clicking sound cars makes after a long drive. I woke up on my wheel, blood dripping from my head, and my arm. I felt a sudden pain sitting up from my ribs and left leg. It was blurry for a moment as I regained full consciousness; it was silent, except the sound of a dying engine. I lifted my head up against the head rest and tried to relax my body from the pain, but it became too much I blacked out again.

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