Chapter three

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-Three days before - October 13th movie, dinner,
and a kiss?-

Today is Friday the 13th and Aurora and I wanted to go see a scary movie together, I was paying with grandma Donna's money- no it's wasn't a date, and no I don't secretly want it to be either. After school we got into my truck and listened to music, the sound she makes when she singing, is like the sound of angels singing, breath taking and orgasmic... As we got to the movies. Aurora was quiet, almost too quiet, I stopped us mid walk.
"Hey, are you okay?" I look at her, analyzing her body language and her facial expression.
"Yeah-"she paused. "I got into a fight with my dad last night. Just something he said hit me. I'm sorry." She picks at her nails.
"Don't be sorry." I told, " I get into it with my mom at times. Do you want to talk about it? We don't have to see a movie. How's a late lunch, early dinner sound instead?" I suggested, grabbing her hand to stop her from picking at her nails.
She looks at me with a smile, "Yeah that'd be nice."
"Alright then." I smiled back.
We drove to our favorite place to eat, Anthony's Diner. It's everyone's favorite place if I'm honest and that's because of the old 50's themed diner look to it; it plays classic rock, you know the oldies that honestly everyone loves way more then the new stuff. Even the waitresses wear the poodle skirts, there are old photos of like Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, the beetles, and so on. The foods are named after them too, like the Elvis's favorite burger.
"Only two?" The hosts asked.
"Yes please, thank you." I told.
"Okay, follow me." She smiled.
We were seated at a booth in the far corner passed the arcade area. The woman walked away and I looked up at Aurora, "Hey c'mon talk to me. I'm buying you dinner." I made a cheesy smile.
"You're an ass." She laughs, "I'm okay Drew, promise."
"Okay, but I can tell you're not. Please? At least when you're ready?"
She was quiet for a little and then we talked. We talked about what was bugging her and what went down with her dad. I did my best to explain why we men decide to say things we don't really mean. And for Aurora I won't go into details of what he said.
As we waited for our drinks, Aurora spoke, "My dad doesn't hate you, just so you know."
"What?" I said, not knowing how to respond.
"My dad, he doesn't hate you, he actually likes you a lot." She repeated.
"Really?" I was surprised.
"Yeah? You sound shocked?"
"It's not the vibe I get from him."
She chuckled, "My dad gives that vibe to everyone, don't take it personally."
"Oh so I'm not special then?" I smirked.
"Sorry to disappoint." She laughs.
"Well I guess I should feel relieved with a side of ego boost." I adjusted my jacket cocky like.
She smiled at me and my sarcasm. I wondered what she thought about. When we hung out. Was it good things? My thoughts were interrupted when the waitress came over. "Hi there. Sorry about the wait, my name is Shelly, what can I get started for you this evening?" She said writing her name on the paper they have on the table for people to draw on.
"I'll have the Elvis's favorite with no tomatoes and a coffee shake with extra whip cream, thank you." She closed the menu and looked over at me, her eyes that looked green in the diner light.
"And you sir?" The waitress asked taking the menu from Aurora.
"Oh sorry. I'll have a medium pepperoni pizza with onions and jalapeños, oh can I have extra jalapeños, and a rootbeer, thank you."
"Yeah of course." She smiled. "You like spicy don't you." She began to flirt.
Of course I didn't catch on and responded with, "Yes ma'am, the hotter the better." I smile back.. I fucking smiled back, that's when I saw it, me flirting and her doing the same.
She smiled, of course and took my menu, "Alright I'll get that started for you guys." She walked to the back.
"Oh! Flirting with the waitress now are we?" She mocked.
She's mocking me? Mocking me? Like how can she do that and still not know I only see her.
"Are you mocking me?" I was hurt- ish.
"Yes I am. You were flirting with her and she didn't mind it."
"Oh please she started it, and I just like my pizza hot, okay."
"But you went along with it, so you still were flirting."
"Oh wait, what's that I hear? Jealousy?" I mocked back.
"And if I was?" She put her elbows on the table.
I froze, I honestly didn't expect that to come out, and I don't think she did either, or maybe she did, I was confused now.
"Uh well I'd stop of course, in respect for you." I scratched my head.
She didn't say anything for a moment, then giggled. That's it! Not one word, nothing. What am I supposed to do with a giggle?!
The waitress came back with our food and our drinks, I got the look from her every time she came over to our table. Nothing else was said on the matter and I ended up getting the girls number, but I wasn't going to ever call. We didn't talk anymore about what happened with her dad, because she almost cried and I felt helpless because I didn't want to draw attention to her. I did grab her hand, she knew what I was doing. As we drove home, I wanted to bring up what she said but we had such a great moment, I didn't want to ruin it. And well I decided I didn't want an answer. I walked her to the door after arriving at her house.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay with me tonight?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'll be Okay." She smiled with her jacket in her hands.
"Okay. Well umm I'm just over there, you can just knock my mom's a light sleeper." I told.
She was sad and I could tell, "Hey, smile, it's going to be alright." I told. I wanted to put my hand on the side of her face, but I thought it'd too intimate. She gave me a half smile and I guess it was good enough.
"Alright I'll see you tomorrow." I began to walk to my truck.
"Andrew wait." She called.
I turned around and she walked up putting both her hands on each side of my face, I felt her lips press against mine, I put my hand on her sides, I'm a gentleman. For a moment that felt like seconds, we kissed. We pulled away and she looked at me, I felt warm.
"Wh- what was that for?"
"For being a awesome guy all the time." She said softly with a smile, I saw her cheeks get red and felt mine about to do the same.
"I'd do anything for you, even if it's just being awesome." I bragged.
She laughed and I waved goodbye. I drove around the block to my house and went inside, closing the door behind me. I had a huge red smile on my face and I was proud.
My mom was sitting at the couch and looked over. "Uh whats that on my sons face?" She began.
"Nothing mom." I tried to get away.
"Ahh I see." She gets the remote and pauses her show.
I rolled my eyes, knowing my mom a little to well. I turn around and she smiled, patted the spot next to her. I sat down still red in the face and she looked at me.
"What?" I questioned.
"You came in this way that's new, whats wrong?"
"No." I began. "Okay okay." I sat up. "We kissed, happy?"
"Are you?" She asked.
I was puzzled, I guess I didn't realize I was still confused about the conversation and now this kiss. A part of me was sorta exhausted.
"I am, it was everything mom.."
"But I'm still confused." I struggled.
"Well what happened?" She asked.
My mom and I got super close after my dad, even before his death, we were. It was because my dad was always gone, we needed each other. She definitely was that person I could talk to when it came to things like Aurora. Especially after my grandpa too. I told her the whole night, and how we didn't see a movie and instead went to dinner.
"So what does this mean?" She asked.
"See I don't know, that was so unexpected."
"Which part hun? The jealous flirting or the kiss?"
I got up and grabbed her empty bowl of ice cream with mine and went to the sink, "Both. Mainly the kiss though." I rested my hand on the sink after washing the bowls, then turned to lean against the counter.
"Maybe talk to her about it? Tomorrow?"
"Hmm maybe." I told.
"No maybes, they really mean never."
"Ugh, what do I even say mom? 'Oh hey, good morning Aurora, how are you? Good? Well that's great, so about that kiss last night, yeah what was that all about.'" I smiled, then dropped it.
"Doesn't sound so bad." She shrugged.
"Really mom? You don't understand." My head fell back as my body moved away from the counter.
I sit on the couch again looking at the fireplace that had nothing in it. She sat next to me and put her hand on my knee. "Okay, maybe I don't know exactly how you kids work now days. But I do know how females think, and I don't believe that kiss was intended to be best friend like." She kissed my forehead and got up. "Don't stay up too late." She traced the back of the sofa as she went to her room.
"Alright." I responded, then heard her room door close.
I went up to my room and changed, got into bed and laid there. Replaying all the events that lead up to the kiss. Was I over thinking everything, definitely. What would anyone do if their best friend kissed them, and got jealous of them flirting with a waitresses? I tried to go to sleep but it was worthless. Then Monday morning I went down to the kitchen.
"Hey mom." I grabbed some toast.
"Hey hun. How'd you sleep?" She asked flipping a pancake.
"I didn't. But, I did get half way through the Harry Potter books." I smiled, which then dropped.
She looked over her shoulder with a smile than walking over putting a pancake on my plate.
"Really got you worked up huh?" She put her hand on her hip.
"I know. But I don't know why.. we've kissed before and agreed to be friends, really, really good friends." I slide down my chair a little.
"I remember that. It was at your 13th birthday."
"Wait you knew about that? I never told you?" My face began to turn red again.
"Yeah; I was coming to get Aurora because her dad had walked over. There you both were, sitting in your new tree house, she leaned in and my baby boy leaned back and boom a peck on the lips. But, I acted like I saw nothing and rang that bell you demanded I use to get your attention, and never spoke a word of it."
"Oh no, mom!" I was smiling from ear to ear, so embarrassed, covering my face in my hands.
"Yeah. From that day I knew you guys would be great friends. In my opinion, I sorta hoped y'all would cut the bull and go out." She took a sip of her coffee with a smirk.
"Oh yeah?" I smirked back, eating my pancakes with a little sass, she laughed at me.
Although I felt the same. If there is any feelings for me? If she knew even a hint of my feelings for her, why wouldn't we just cut the bull and go out? I never knew my mom saw all that, it was a relief she been rooting for us all this time. At school I saw Aurora waiting for me, just sitting there. I knew this was going to be weird, I wish it wasn't. Before getting out I took a deep breath in. I stepped out of the car, doing my best not to seem awkward or confused around her.
"Hey." I said throwing my bag over my shoulder, shoving one hand in my front pocket.
"Hi." She smiled and slide her fingers through her hair, tucking some behind her ear.
We walked towards the school and it was quiet. A bit too much where it made you uncomfortable.
"Hey." We both said at the same time.
We giggled a little. "Go ahead?" I told.
"Oh uh, well I want to say sorry for the kiss. I know that must of been random and a total surprise."
"Hey don't even sweat it. It was a great night and it was in the moment. Totally understand." But I didn't, that was just so she didn't feel bad for totally messing with my head.
"Yeah? Alright cool." She nodded her head. "So? What were you going to say?" She asked.
"Oh I was going to ask, umm." I paused, I had no idea what to make up on the spot, I was stumped. Definitely could never get away with lying.
"Forgot?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, I guess I did."
"Well if you remember, you know where to find me." She said and walked away.
It was then that I realized I said the exact thing that I didn't want to hear, I was stupid. She could've been just about to express her undying love and I blew it. I rolled my eyes and went to class. Afterwards I saw her at her locker.
"Oh hey, how was your dad last night and this morning?" I questioned.
"Oh he was asleep so I went straight to bed. And this morning I just kept to myself. I'll talk to him soon enough, maybe." She told, switching books in and out of her locker.
"I hope so, he's still your dad. I was worried he was going to make a big deal." I told.
"Yeah, thanks." She leaned back and smiled.
Man her personality was always my favorite thing about her, well besides her eyes. The day went by in a blur and after school I was talking with my friend Eddie when she walks up.
"Alright dude I'll see you then." He said.
"Ohh have a date with Eddie?" She played.
"Ha-ha very funny." I smirked.
As she walked around to the side of the truck, "I think he has a crush on you." She mocked.
I shook my head, "Shut up." I smiled as we got in. We got to her house, she hopped out and came over to my side.
"Thanks for the ride." She began. " I should start paying you gas, well at least your mother."
"Oh please neither of us would take it." I told out the window and she trotted inside.

The Innocence Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon