Chapter two.

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-Six days before- October 11th- the letter-

I was sitting in my room, doing some anatomy and Econ when I heard my mom call me from the living room, she sounded stressed. I walked half way down the stairs, "Mom? Is everything alright?"
My house is a two story, from the stairs it opens up to a pretty spacious room. The living room is right there as you come down the stairs, there is the tv on the wall above the fire place, the couch shaped the area in living room. To your left is a little hall way that leads to the guest room and bathroom. When you turn a little to the right, next to the living room there is the front door and next to that is my mom's favorite place to be, the kitchen. Now if you turn all the way to the right there a little longer hallway that has the laundry room and some closets and at the end of that is the car garage, that I use sometimes but not a lot. As I step down the rest of the steps and walk closer I noticed my mom was crying.
"Mom? What's wrong?!" My stomach started to turn.
"Please hun, sit down." She lightly pats on the spot next to her, my stomach was in knots, she never cry's not after my dad and grandpa. I began to wish I hadn't come down at all. I sat down when everything in my body told me to run back up stairs. I analyzed her, "what's the letter mom?" She held it half opened half closed.
"It's about grandma Donna." She paused, "she passed away earlier today." She put her hand on my knee.
I grabbed the letter and began to read it.

  "Dear April and Andrew Hernandez, it hurts to have to inform you that Donna has passed away late last night, early this morning. She passed peacefully in her sleep not feeling any pain. Our thoughts and prayers are with you."
-love sunshine villa senior living.

I went dazed, just last week she was giving Aurora and I a birthday card. And I totally forgot about the thank you I was supposed to give her! My stomach ached now. The guilt and loss weighed on me.
"Drew, hun?" She called, patting her eyes with a tissue.
"Yes?" My face felt warm and I wanted to cry. I was holding my stomach at this point. I wanted I cry but knew my mom needed someone to be strong for us, I was the only one who could. I thought I lost a lot, but so has my mom. My throat burned from holding onto the tears that desperately wanted to come out. I blinked a couple times. After I felt the words numb my body, as they replayed in my head. My grandma was the last of both sides of my grandparents; my mom's parents died not long after my 13th birthday in an freak accident, she never told me the whole thing, still to this day. And my grandpa before my 16th as I told before, she was the last. It was like my family was cursed, everyone I knew and loved died. I didn't want to think of that so I shook it out of my head.
"Drew, listen." She grabbed my hand, "We have to go her funeral on Auroras birthday."
"What!? No, mom we've been planning this forever." I pulled my hand away in frustration.
This wasn't happening, she dies and my plans for Aurora get ruined?! I knew how that sounded in my head. I wasn't meaning it too, I felt relieved I didn't say it out loud.
"I'm sorry Drew. I know your father would go. Aurora is a very sweet girl, she'd understand."
"I'm aware that she dad's mom and that it'd be good to go but mom, I really owe this to Aurora." I whined, "Do I have to go?"
"Yes you have too. Other family will be there and it'd be good to see them all." She walked to the kitchen.
"That assuming they go." I crossed my arms.
"Well we will assume they will." She told, then sighed, "I know this was supposed to be special hun, I really am sorry. If I could change the day I would, but the home plans it. Maybe you and Aurora can do it a day in advance, yes?" She suggested.
I was grateful my mom was trying to help, but it wouldn't be the same as going on the 17th. But I shouldn't complain, I had no choice. Beside she right, family I haven't seen in eight years will be there and Aurora would be more then understanding, more encouraging then anything.
"Okay, I guess I'll make it work somehow." I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. If planning the surprise to Aurora dads agreement wasn't already hard, then changing it would be dreadful.
The next day at school I dreaded, I was worried her dad wouldn't allow it since I was changing the day.
"Hey Drew!" She greets sitting at the Cafeteria table putting her head phones in her bag.
"Hey Aurora." I sat across from her.
She looks at me for a moment, reading, analyzing me, "Whats wrong?" She raised a brow.
I couldn't hold it in nor lie, she'd know. She known me for so long. I sighed, "So we have a change of plans for your birthday." I stated slowly.
"What do you mean?" Aurora questioned, the raised eyebrow become worried.
I told her about Donna and how I had to fly there on her birthday, also how sorry I was that we couldn't spend that day for and/or with her.
"Andrew please don't feel bad! You lost someone dear. It's totally okay. So what's the change of plans?"
"So instead of it happening on your birthday, it'll be the day before, so the 16th since I'll be leaving the 17th for the funeral on the 18th."
"Okay so same plans just a day early, no problem." She looks down.
"Aurora? You okay?" I asked.
"I'm sorry about Donna- that must be hard." She sympathized, "You've lost so much Drew it even hurts me; just last week we received $100 from her, funny how we assumed she was doing fine." We both sat there in silence for a moment. She began to talk again as I stared off listening to her, knowing exactly how she felt, I was crying too, just not on the outside. I was more like crying and confused.
"Hey, at least she's with my grandpa now." I smiled resting my hand on hers.
She looked at me. Differently. Almost with so much care someone else watching from a distance would think it was lo- I realized what I was thinking and broke eye contact, I began to rub the back of my neck trying not to blush at the thought. Deep down I knew I did want her- not only as a best friend but something so much more... but she'll never know that.
"You zoned out there for a moment. Are you sure you want to be here? I'm sure your mom said you could stay home." She worried.
"Uh yeah I'm sure. It wouldn't do me much good to be home anyway."
"You're a liar and a bad one at that." She began to pick up her things.
"Where are you going?" I asked confused, slightly knowing.
"Taking you home that's where." She had one strap on her shoulder, "Keys?" Her hand was out.
"No, really Aurora, I'm fine." I ensured her, well tried too.
"Really now? Because I see something a whole lot different." She told.
"How so?" I questioned knowing that part of it was from Donna and the other was the thought.
"The eyes Drew, the eyes."
"Ha-ha very funny, seriously how do you know I'm supposably 'lying'" I smirked, secretly freaking out.
"I'm being serious. The eyes are the doorway to the soul- they are the window to every thought and/or feeling."
"Now who's the one lying." I raised a brow.
"Fine, don't believe it."
"Well I don't." I smiled.
"That's fine, you don't have too. That doesn't mean I'm not taking you home." She smiled back at me.
"Ugh women!" I put my keys in her hand and got up.
She pulled into my drive way, my mom wasn't home but I had let her know I wasn't going to be at school.
We walked up to the door, "Well I'll let you go. I am very sorry about Donna." She told, handing my keys back.
"Yeah, thanks." I told looking at my keys, "Hey you sure you can't stay? We have all day now." I asked.
"I wish. But my dad wants me home if I'm not going to be at school."
"That's rough, alright well text me then." I told.
She walked to her house and I went inside; I watched some TV, had lunch that was way better then school food. I decided to email my teachers and get the work I missed. My mom got off of work early and came into my room.
"Hey hun, how are you?"
"Bored. But okay." I told, "You're off early today?" I questioned.
"Yeah finished my load fast, asked if I could have the rest of the day with you." She began, "That's also doesn't mean you're stuck here, you can go hangout with Aurora or the other two who I can't remember their names." She said.
"Hazel and Lucas mom. But Aurora has to stay home since she didn't go today and they do their own thing, they're a couple. I might just get into the shower." I got up and went into the bathroom. For the rest of the night my mom and I watched shows and just hung out until about nine, it was nice to have the day.

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