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I can see the stars as I start the engine. I sigh, remembering that I have a 3-day journey ahead of me. I am going back home. I overstayed my stay here. Seeing the moon become smaller and smaller when I make the ship rise. I see the earth behind it, knowing that none of them can see me. Oh, I wish I could just go back there and visit. You're probably thinking how a 24-year-old girl has been living in space, and well let me tell you a story.

People on earth decided that going to the moon wasn't enough, so they headed for Venus. After knowing that Venus was livable, they hid that fact to most mankind but sent up 43 people, that included 3 children. That was in 1992, two years before I was born, my parents were apart of the operation, but I wasn't planned. After becoming the first human born on Venus, they named me Venus, my full name is June Venus, and we are still unknown to the earth. Apparently, my grandparents still keep in contact with my mom and dad. They do know that me and my sister, June Elizabeth, called Liz, 18 years old, they haven't seen our faces or anything, but they know we exist. People realised that there was no problem having children here, so our population is up to around 100 people. We are technically citizens of the United States of America since they own us, most of the original weren't from America in the first place. We are allowed to go to earth but to do so we need to go to the moon where there is a base dug underground for minimum exposure. After being on the moon for some time, we wait for the people on earth to send a craft up since they have been sending up ships to the moon for decades now. We take those crafts to the earth, and I have been there three times, my whole family went. We visited a few countries, after a couple of weeks we went back with a space shuttle to the moon and from there the 3-day trip back home to Venus. That's all you need to know, for now, oh wait, and we live in houses that aren't that different from those on earth. We do get sent food from the USA but nothing that special. We also have the internet, so I do keep in touch with the culture and people I have met on my travels.

After landing back home, I am excited since I haven't seen my sister for a month already.
I was studying and taking exams, but I needed to be on the moon for my professor back on earth to be able to give me insight. I am trying to get a degree in History from Harvard University, it's my last year, and if I pass my exams, I get to go to the graduation ceremony and the overseas trip they have for all graduates. I know that the US government isn't too pleased about it since it costs them money to get me there and back, but they know that I didn't choose to be born here.
I open the door to my home, and I don't hear a thing. "Liz?" I call out for my sister, I hear a squeal from upstairs and before I know it I am tackled into a hug. 

"Welcome home, Venus, I missed you," she says, smiling widely. "Mom and dad are at work btw, they are on a research trip and will be back in a few days. It's just you and me for the time being." I can hear it in her voice that they have been gone for some time. "Next time bring me something good, I get bored here all alone." After telling me that she runs back upstairs. I follow her steps up the stairs but take a left turn instead of following her straightforward. I open the door to my room, and I can see that nothing has been done to it while I was gone, good. I drop my bag on the floor, not finding the strength to hold it anymore. I make myself drop on the bed and lie down. I close my eyes and take a few long breaths. Knowing that in a few days I'll get my results back from the exams I took. It's only April on earth but since my exams had to be sent back to earth as soon as I finished them I got a few days before knowing if I graduate or not. They send me a result a week before graduation since it takes 6 whole days just to travel there.

"Liz, I passed, I passed all my exams," I yell for my sister who is somewhere in my house. I got the email from them this morning, and I am graduating in a few days. I can hear running up the stairs to my room. My sister panting at the door and yelling congratulations over and over again. I only laugh and hug her.

"Does that mean you are going back down to earth?" She says, pulling away from me. I only nod and smile. "Oh, then you can meet your friend at least, right?" I again nod, not wanting to talk. I haven't talked to him in a few days since he knew I had these exams coming up. I pull up the app I use to talk to him. I can see that he was online 5 minutes ago.

Hey, I passed all my exams,
Which means I am graduating.

Knowing that he is always pretty busy, I put my phone away and going to pack my bag. I leave tonight to go to the moon, and then in 3 days, I go to earth again, my fourth time there. After packing my bag, I check my phone, and I see that I have one notification,

Message from TotallyNotJin

Any chance you stop by Korea?

I laugh at the message knowing I'll be in Korea in a few days. A graduation trip was made for our class, and obviously, I am going to go that since I don't have to pay for that. Thanks, America, that's one thing you are doing right. I go to the space station only a few hundred meters away from my house. I jump on and get all my stuff ready before letting the flyer know that I am ready to go. 

I'm flying to Korea soon.
I have a graduation trip there.

OMG really??!?
Please let me know dates
so I can clear my schedule.

Will do when I land in Massachusetts.
I'm guessing I'll be in Korea in
around 6 or 7 days. I'll be there
for at least 3-4 weeks or so.

That's awesome, some days
I can't go around my schedule
but others I am quite free. 
Do you know where you are staying?
If you don't have a place I can host
you for the time.

Oh, could you? I am supposed to
stay at a hotel with the others but
I would much rather have you
host me.

I'll tell the boys
that you are coming.
Do you remember them?

The other six boys?
Do you live with them?

Yeah, we live in Seoul.

awesome, I let you know
when I am on my way there.

I put my phone down and laying in the bed on the ship. Only 5 days until I see him again. I can't wait to see his face. I am guessing that he is quite grown up from when I saw him last. We were just 18 and 19 back then. Those were good two weeks. I open my Instagram seeing that the few I follow have posted a few things. I scroll through my feed and like posts from those I know well enough. I fall asleep with the phone in my hand.


With Venus // Kim Seokjin//Where stories live. Discover now