"It wasn't that bad," I say to the boys, making sure they can hear the sarcasm in my voice. They only give me side glances and drop down to the floor to rest. I hear some of them chuckle while breathing heavily. Jin is lying down on his stomach, making my decision to lay on top of him easy. I can only feel his body breathing heavily while he grunts and pretends to push me off him.

"you both could be asleep for all we know," someone says from beside me, sounds a lot like Yoongi to me. After minutes pass by without us moving, I am starting to think he might as well be asleep. Some time passes, and their choreographer comes back inside the room and makes them start practising again. 


"Your hair smells nice," Jin says while hugging me.

"Dude, that's quite creepy," Namjoon says, sitting down on the couch and turning the tv on. One of the news channels is on, and a story about some viral cat was one of the top news. 

"I like the smell of it, what scent is this?" Jin whispers in my ear so that the others don't judge him further. I chuckle and turn around to be able to speak clearly to him. 

I move my head towards his ear, "vanilla and old books, two of my favourite scents."  I lightly kiss his cheek before moving my body back to the tv. I feel a stare on me and turn my head in the direction to find Tae looking at us weirdly. 

He turns to the person sitting next to him and says "when is their wedding?" Jimin turns to him with a question mark for a face, and Tae only lifts his hand and points at us. "Look at them, I want that too." I feel a warm breath on my neck from Jin moving around, his head is now laying on my throat while being able to see the tv. 

"I missed you so much these last years." I hear being whispered in my ear. "So much has happened in the time you have been gone, I wish you could have been there with me." For a moment I feel a warm touch on my neck, but before I know, it is gone. The boys in the living room don't hear any of the words that are being shared between them, but they have a feeling that something is happening. As the news end, some of the boys stand up to go to bed. 

I call for Namjoon to pull me up so I can follow them to the rooms. I am being pulled back by Jin not wanting to give me up. "Jin, I need to sleep," I say trying to hold on to Namjoon for life. I feel him shaking his head, trying to hold me in his arms. "Jin, let go we need to sleep." Without warning, I am pulled harshly towards Namjoon as I fall into him. With a thump, we land on the floor. 

"Sorry, I wasn't planning that I am blaming Jin for that," Namjoon says quickly sticking his tongue out at the older. We laugh it off and walk to our rooms.


With Venus // Kim Seokjin//Where stories live. Discover now