I'm back on earth. My graduation finished an hour ago, and I am flying to Korea tomorrow with the class of 2018. I am staying in a nice hotel here. I have stayed here once before, so I know a little bit about how to go around. When I step back into my hotel room, it is already late enough to sleep. I drag myself to the bed and get undressed for bed. Before I fall asleep, I see that I have a notification on my phone. I am so tired that I can't even bother reaching for my phone. 

Notification from TotallyNotjin

I wake up to my alarm and rub my face, I can see that my phone is on my side and the screen lights up with more notifications. It's already 3 am, and I have to be at the airport by 4. The flight leaves at around 6. I do stop in Detroit for a few hours and leave there right after 13:00, and I have an overnight flight to Seoul where I land at 16:30 there. I open up my phone, remembering that I had a notification.

Have you started your trip already?

I'm already in Detroit, will be in 
Korea tomorrow at 16:30.
Can't wait to see you again!

Omg, you are coming tomorrow,
I can't wait for you!
The boys are also really excited.

I can't wait to meet them again.
I'm off to the air now, see you Jin!

Finally, goodbye for now then.
See you soon Venus!

I turn my phone on airplane mode and look out the window seeing that I am in a window seat. Knowing that it's past midnight already in Seoul, I decided that now would be the best time to sleep. 

I wake up a few hours into the trip and turn the tv screen on. I watch a few movies and ate breakfast before the announcement was made that we were landing soon. Soon enough I was standing by the belt which held my bag. I grab it as I see it coming towards me, I turn the airplane mode off and see that I already have a few messages from Jin.

I am here!
I am standing outside of the arrivals,
there is a lot of people here
but I am here outside of the gate thing.

I read the message as I am walking through the no goods to declare, I can see the gate thing he is talking about. I walk out the door and look around. There he is standing a few meters away from me to my left. I hurry over to him smiling, I grab him and throw him in a hug. He is surprised by the sudden attack but hugs me back quickly. "Welcome back, I missed you so much," he whispers in my ear. 

"I missed you too," I mumble to him. I pull away from the hug and give him the biggest smile I can, he laughs and takes my bag for me. 

"Let's go!" we walk outside and jump into a black car. Jin drives us to an apartment and takes my bag again while I stand there in awe. "You coming?" he says my way. I only jump a little and jog my way to his side. we go up in a lift and he takes a key out to open his apartment. "Remember that there are six other boys living here, don't worry about them I'll make sure they won't bother you." I nod my head and follow him into the apartment hearing nothing at all, which is strange knowing who lives there. 

"How can you afford all this? last time I checked you were in just in uni and dancing or something?" I say not knowing where all of this came from. The place looks massive.

"How can you go on in life without the internet? You never seem to catch up," he says laughing out loud. "I am in a group, we are an idol group here in Korea, and apparently I am quite famous. I'm no different than I was when we first meet. Do you want me to show you the room you are staying in?"

"yes, please. I feel a little bit tired at the moment but I think it will go away soon," I say as he leads me down a hallway to the room at the end. From the look of it, I can see that it's his room. "This yours?" I say, he nods and tells me I am staying in here while he stays in another room. 

"I thought that it would be more comfortable for you to stay in here, the other room we have is with the other boys." I nod my head as a yes and place my bag beside the bed. It's a big enough room for two or three people even if it only holds one bed. "I am staying with the boys if I didn't make that clear." I laugh at those words and reach out for his hand. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it tightly. He pulls on my hand and drags me into a hug. I breathe in his smell which is familiar enough for it to calm every nerve in my body. "I have really missed you, no words can describe it." He pulls away from the hug before I can say the same words, even though I couldn't place words on how much I missed him.

"Can we watch tv, I am quite tired from all the flying," I say not wanting to go to sleep, just yet. He nods and leads the way back to the living room. After letting him pick a movie he liked he sat down next to me on the couch. Being the tired alien I was I soon fell my eyes getting heavier and my head begins to bob up and down. I let my eyes close completely before falling on his shoulder and listening to his quickening heartbeat. I forgot the movie and fell into a deep slumber.


With Venus // Kim Seokjin//Where stories live. Discover now