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Pattons POV

Today I walked into the living room so that I could grab the dishes leftover from dinner last night so that I could start cooking breakfast but to both my surprise and delight I saw virgil curled up in an adorable posture with is tail curled up in an adorable motion . I walked over to pick him up so that I could sit him on the couch but the moment I stuck my hands close enough to touch him he quickly jumped up and skidded away hiding beneath the coffee table . I was startled at first but then I walked over saying comforting things while trying to get him out from underneath. "HISSSSSSS" "Did you just hiss at me young man ?" "Hissss" " That's it come here." I reached down to pick him up but the moment I grabbed him he bit my hand. I started to scream bloody murder because my HAND WAS BLEEDING EVERYWHERE. The others came bursting into the room with three little toddlers following them in short pursuit. "Where is the fiend that I must slay." Princey said wielding and sword in his hands. "VIRGIL BIT ME HE BIT ME AND NOW IM BLEEDING EVERYWHERENSBSJJNAVEVEDGGEVSHAVSHS." "Hey hey hey Patton calm down I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation to why virgil decided to bare his fangs and bite your hand what exactly did you do may I ask?" "I had reached down to take him out from under the coffee table then he bit me." "Now vurgul you know it is not nece yo bit pawtons hawnd wike that." Said Imaj in a very stern tone or at least as stern as a young three year old can. "Yeah it's not vewy nece to do dat to pawtrons hand at aw you wernt evn pranking him ." Said young pranks in a more laid back tone. "Yeah virgil you know better than to do that so come out from under there and come play with us." Said Missy who was the best at talking compared to the others even virgil because he normally only replied in small yeses , ums , mhms , oks, ect,and hissing, purring and or meowing. "Hisssssss" Virgil replied to much of our surprise cause he loves the kids. Missy just went with it and hissed right back. "Hisssssss see Virgil I can do it to so get out from under there before I make you" Virgil immediately ran out from under the table knowing that you never and I repeat never mess with missy. He came over to me and started licking my hand where he bit it. "I'm sorry" Virgil whispered quietly as he finished licking up the blood on my hand. "It's okay kiddo just don't do that again ok" "Ok" I watched on curiously as he ran out of the room into the kitchen. I heard some clattering and clunking of plates, bowls, pots, pans, ect I was about to get up and walk in there when Virgil came bounding over. In his mouth he had a first aid kit. He walked over to logan and handed him the first aid kit so that Logan could patch up my hand. Logan quickly made due with what he had and patched up my hand putting two band-aids over the wounds. Once he was finished he put away the materials and sat the first aid kit on top of the table. After he finished I got up and walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. What an eventful morning this was.

NEW STORY!!! Hold on tight cause this is going to be one fluffy rollercoaster. (I know wow actually fluffy for once I promise there will be less angsty esk stuff)

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