The Aftermath

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Sorry it took so long and this is words long. Also if you want any specific little chapters or one shots comment them. T.W/ Wounds, Pain, Unhealthy attemps at punishment. Tell me if there are anymore I missed/

Virgil's POV

I start skittering away the second that Roman screeched. Sadly running on all four paws only slowed him down and Roman was already naturally fast.

Roman caught up and grasped Virgil by his real neck expecting his hood to be over his head like normal.

Virgil cried out as the combination of Romans force and long nails broke Virgil's skin. Roman, blinded by horror and rage, didn't notice.

Roman drug Virgil into the living room. Virgil pulled up his hood over his head trapping Roman hand underneath. This only made Roman think he was holding onto Virgil's 'scruff' more causing him to grip a little tighter.

A puff of air akin to a whine escaped him. The others saw them enter. Roman shook Virgil slightly pushing just a bit more before dropping him.

They began to investigate

Third POV

"Virgil, Kiddo why did you curse? " Patton asked. "Grrr" Is all Virgil responded with. "That is no way to speak to your dad young man. That's it solitary confinement closet time." Logan said.

Virgil backed up but Logan grasped him quickly and shoved him into the SCC.

Virgil's POV
---Third Person POV---

Virgil curled up in the corner and began to softly whimper and cry. He felt the stinging and run of blood from the gashed holes in his neck. He reached up to feel them and immediately cried out. They caused so much pain. All because he tried to make amends with the others.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He cried out. He continued to let out cries, whimpers, and apologies for the next however long he didn't know.

30 mins later
"Logan he's been crying out for the past half hour we should let him out he seems in pain." Patton said begging Logan to let Virgil out. "No Patton he needs to learn a lesson and that he can't get out of every punishment." Logan said sternly to Patton. "Yeah Patton he'll probably shut up soon." Roman agreed. Banging on the door for good measure. Almost regretting it instantly because of the whimper on the other side. Almost.

30 mins later

Deciets POV (sorry for all the POV changes)

I came out of my room looking for Virgil as I hadn't seen the little neonate recently. As I enter the living room I see all the adult sides, sans Virgil, which was peculiar because he was everywhere they were. And of course no Remus and Remy which was much more normal.

I was about to leave when I heard a whimper from the dreaded... SCC. "Logan! Is Virgil not in the closet!" I yelled at Logan angrily as he was the only one who would actually use the SCC except maybe ro when he was really really angry at Vee. "Well yes he's been in there for like an hour and still has about and hour and a half. " No I would absolutely not be standing for that. I shoved Logan to ground and unlocked the door squatting down to catch Virgil.

It took a second but Virgil came skittering out and into my arms. The poor kit who would rarely cry had tears running down his face. "Shhh my little snakelet it's okay I'm here." I go to grab the back of his neck to try and console him but he let's out a sharp cry of pain when I do.

I rip my hand back as his chest starts heaving. Anxiety attack.  My brain helpfully supplied to me. He was so young I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I could think of. I pushed his head to my chest and started humming. Hoping that would help. It seemed to help as he started calming down almost instantly.

"Hey Veri are you okay?" I asked once he calmed down. He only let out a sad puff of air. "Can I check your neck. Please my snakelet I'm worried I only want to help you. " Virgil let's out a whine before turning around. I see five nearly identical gash like cuts in his neck. I graze them lightly causing Virgil to whimper. "Roman what didn't,you do to my neonates neck! "

"Nothing! He probably did that to himself!" Roman cried out offended by being accused of harming virgil.

Virgil/Third person POV

Virgil began to whimper and puff air making noises trying to get the others to realize that they were being to loud.

Patton barely noticed his soft noises over Roman and Deceit's yelling. He picked Virgil up and covered his ears pulling him tightly into his chest.

"Your being to loud!" The others immediately look over expecting Patton to be the one who said that. What surprised them though was that Virgil was the one who said that.

"Please, quiet down." Virgil speaks in that softer voice of his that is more normal for him.

Of course they were surprised he never speaks more that a word or two.

"Oh kiddo of course, were sorry we over whelmed you. Right guys." Patton said condescendingly towards the others. "Yes, Definitely, Absolutely not! " The others replied in unison.

Virgil pushes himself out of Patton's grasp and walks over to Logan butting his head on Logan's pant leg. Signifying he forgave Logan. Repeating with Deceit and Roman before curling up in a box they had sitting in the corner.

Maybe everything will be just fine.

Okay guys sorry again for how long this has taken. I'll be trying to get another one out soon.


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