Curse Words P.2

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Virgil's Pov

I sit in the tree facing away from the view of the others as tears dripped down my face.

I feel bad ,I know I shouldn't but I do. I shouldn't have cursed at them but in my defense I didn't think they would be that mad.

I thought that they would be proud of the fact that I started learning new words and using them. Especially Logan when I used the words in the proper way.

I guess they weren't though. I mean I talked more than I have in a while but they were just upset with me.

Maybe I should go apologize? No I need to do something that'll mean more. Oh I know I'll catch a bird and bring it to them! That'll show them how sorry I am.

I jump to one of the higher branches to get a better look. I look around and spot a lark perched it one of the higher branches.

I launch myself at it gripping it's neck and effectively killing it. I hop down the tree and walk over to the door that they helpfully left open.

I walk inside and look around noticing that the others are no longer in the living room. I look around noticing that all the doors except Roman's are left open. Expecting them to be in there I trot over the the door.

I hope they accept my apology. I head butt the door and drop the bird in front of it before skittering away and hiding in the cornor.

I sit waiting for a response to it. When I finally do receive my long awaited response it was not what I was hoping for. Instead of a happy face from princey I receive a high pitched scream ,an upset looking patton, and an angry looking Logan.

Uh oh they aren't happy with my gift.

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