Cookie Time

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Hey guys this is a Moxiety fluffy time. It was requested by Hufflepoff14. (T.W slight sad from Patton and slight reference to previous chapters. Both in the beginning.)

Patton's POV

I was sitting on my bed, with tears in my eyes. I let terrible for what had happened to Virgil and the way we had treated him when he was just scared an hurt. Now our precious little boy won't even come near us without deceit around.

I hear a scratch at my door and I am unsure of who that could be. Most obviously it would be Virgil but why would he come around here anyways? My room makes him nervous or so he says.

The door opens (I later find out the deciet had opened it) and Virgil came bounding into the room. He jumps up on my bed and stands on all fours in front of me.

Held securely in his jaws is a bag of chocolate chip cookies. He then drops them I'm front of me. "Yours!" He exclaims happily. "Mine? Are these cookies for me, kiddo?" He curls up in my lap. "Uh huh!"

"Aw thanks kiddo but I don't think I could eat these all by myself. How about we share?" I say. He happily replies yes.

I open the bag and hand him one of the cookies and take one for my own. I then scratch in between his ears with my free hand.

What happened afterwards made my heart melt. Virgil let out a soft pure. I awwed at that er well awwed as well as I could with half of a cookie in my mouth.

"Your so cute, Vee! I love you!" I exclaim happily. "How about we cuddle for a little bit" I say hopping that he would want to cuddle with me. "Yeah." He says snuggling up to me.

"I love you pat." Virgil says. If I just about died at that, well that my own problem. Vee is so (excuse my French) fricken adorable.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again Hufflepoff14 for suggesting this chapter. If anyone wants to request another one you can.


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