Chapter 4

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       It was a Saturday. As promised, I was going to bring Myra out to her favourite restaurant for dinner. I was on my way to pick her up from her house while thinking of my mom's reaction when I told her about the gifts and the café "date". She went around the house, freaking out over the fact that her future son in law had contacted her daughter and brought her out on a date. She kept telling me how lucky I was to get such a good husband while glaring at my dad because he never brought her out anywhere before their wedding. I mean, they cannot help it if they get married the following week upon meeting for the first time. 

      I pulled up at Myra's house and honked the car. The door opened and out came Mrs Sharma with a huge smile on her face while Myra was glaring at me. Slightly scared of my best friend, I came out of my car to greet Mrs Sharma. Before I could bend down, she pulled into a tight hug. "I am so happy that you are getting married. Now that you are going to get settled in life, why not convince your best friend too. She is also of the same age as you and it's high time she got married as well and you! Learn something from Ria" she said, staring at Myra. So that explains why she is angry. Oh god!

    "Auntyji, don't rush her into marriage now. Let her make her career and be satisfied first. I am happy with my career. That is why I agreed to get married. Myra is on her way to success and she is really close. Just wait for a while. Don't fret too much," I said, trying to save myself from Myra's wrath. 

    "I will see you later mom. We are going out for dinner," Myra said to Mrs Sharma before rushing into my car, pulling me behind her.

   I started to drive but Myra had not spoken a single word to me. Bet she is upset over the whole 'my daughter is getting old and needs to get married' fiasco. I turned to her and gave her a smile. "Don't bother much. Concentrate on your career first. Then you can get married to the man of your dreams." She nodded and I turned on the radio but she turned it off and stared at me. "What?" I asked. "Are you seriously going to act as if you don't know? Bitch! Tell me what happened during your date with Aarush!" I rolled my eyes. Bad idea. "Don't give me that attitude young lady! Spill the tea now!" 

    "We need to talk about something while we eat so I will tell you then," I said, As we alighted from the car. We walked in almost everyone recognised me. They started to fish out their phones to take pictures of us. I let out a tired sigh and walked ahead. Myra held my hand tightly while we walked to our reserved table. Once we got to our seat, the waiter came and gave us our menus and left. I let Myra decide on the dishes to order while I settled some official emails. 

   "Ma'am, can I have your orders please?"I gestured Myra to go ahead. Giving me a naughty grin, she looked up to the waiter and placed the order. "One Hot and Spicy Monchow soup, one by two. One plate of veggie spring rolls. One Thai Green Curry. One Pineapple Fried Rice made with Jasmine Rice. One Pad Thai. One plate of Chicken Satay; don't forget the peanut sauce. One Steamed Fish with Ginger and Scallions and two Bandung drinks. That is it for now. We might order some more later," the waiter looked surprised but nodded nonetheless. This was usually the case when I treated Myra. 

   "The waiting time would be around 20 minutes. Please ring the bell if you decide to order more food." With that, he left.

    "Myra, what if we can't finish all the food?"

    "Bitch, please...My stomach is literally the black hole. I can eat all of it. Wait a minute! I forgot to order the Black Pepper Crab! They have the best ones here." Saying that she rang the bell. The same waiter rushed to our table.

   "Add a Black Pepper crab to our order."

   "Sure, Ma'am. Small, medium or large?" 


   The waiter paused and looked at Myra to see if she was joking. She looked back at him, raising her eyebrows, "What?" "Nothing Ma'am." The waiter mumbled and left. 

    "Tell me about the date" ordered Myra when the food started to arrive. "It was fine. We chatted over a coffee and latté," I answered. "I want to know every fucking single thing which happened from the second you reached the café." 

     "Haiz...I entered the café at 5.45 pm and he entered at 6 pm. He was wearing a black shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows,-" "Gosh Ria! That is so goddamn hot!"Myra said, fanning herself. Rolling my eyes, I continued " charcoal grey slacks and tie. He came to the table I had occupied and we stood up, shook hands to introduce ourselves-" "More like he wanted to hug but you stretched out your hand, initiating a handshake," she interrupted again. "He then- Wait for a the hell do you know that?" Myra gulped, with wide eyes, looking everywhere but me. "Myra?!" "I might have been in café, spying on your date.." "Myra! Why would you do that?" "To ensure your safety...duh! We were not sure whether the dude was actually Aarush. What if he was a serial killer who wanted to kill you for your money?! Can you imagine?" God!! This girl is crazy!" "Okay continue telling me what happened." "I thought you know?" "I want to know it from your point of view." Staring at her, I continued "He kept sexualizing everything I said." Myra gasped loudly with her hands on her chest, above her heart. "That means that you will be having a fun and wild sex life! Lucky bitch!!" "Shut up you idiot! Anyways played 21 questions and when we parted, he asked me to message him when I reach home-""Aww that is so cute" "-and call him if I needed help regarding anything. That's it" I concluded. "Umm missed out the part where he kissed your cheek. Gosh! He is so dreamy and adorable! You are one lucky hoe. Not to forget, your vagina is blessed." 

       My mood immediately changed. Memories came rushing back. "Shit! Poop! Duck! I am so sorry. I did not mean to say that. It just came out of my mouth. I am extremely sorry. I am such an idiot. I apologise, Ria. For god's sake...why is my mouth so out of control-" "It's alright Myra" "-I am so dumb. My brain just shuts down at times-" "Myra it-" "-I am the idiot of the century. Fuck my mind I-" "Myra! Stop! I said it's fine. I am alright. Stop regretting. Forget it." Myra looked at me with tears of remorse in her eyes. She came and sat next to me and hugged me. That was all it took to make me forget. I heard her sniffing and crying. "Hey! Myra?! Don't cry, babe. It was not your fault. Now, tell me, what did you mean when you said I'm a lucky hoe?" "It meant that you are lucky to have him as a husband. You guys are not even married yet but he is already head over heels over you. You are going to be the cutest couple on earth," she answered in a hoarse voice. I smiled at her while smacking her head. "Are you full or do you want to order more?" I asked. "I am full," she replied. I made a shocked Pikachu face upon hearing those words. "Are you sure Myra?" I asked. She glared at me while pouting. "Alright then. Let's leave." 

     After paying the bill, we went to our car. Just before I boarded, Myra stopped me by tugging my shirt. "I am really sorry Ria. Please forgive me. I did not mean to trigger those memories." Holding her hand, I asked her not to fret too much about it and that it was just a mistake. "I love you bitch," she said, hugging me. I hugged her back and we settled into our car. 

    "Um...Ria? Can we get some ice cream at the nearby ice cream parlour?" Myra asked, fidgeting with her fingers. My best friend is back!

   "I thought you were full?"

   "As I said, my stomach is the black hole, honey! Drive there fast! I want to get 4 scoops of the limited edition smores flavour!!" I laughed as I drove to the parlour. I love her. 


Word Count: 1480

AN: Hello Everyone! That was Chapter 4. What do you think? Until next time, happy reading!

Don't forget to: 


~nutella's gf :b

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