Chapter 11

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     I am seated in the middle of a group of aunties, Diya and Myra as the henna designer drew intricate patterns on my hands. All of them are taking turns, applying henna on each other's hands. In order to kill time, they were teasing me with Aarush, not to mention he had texted me at least 20 messages in the past ten minutes. I could hear my phone beeping with notifications every other second. I couldn't even pick up my phone since the henna was not dry yet. 

   "Why aren't you answering me?"

  "Are you busy or are you angry?"

  "Don't ignore me" *puppy face emoji* 

  "Diya, could you please message Aarush that I can't reply to him because I am applying henna?"

  "I know a better way. I will call him and let you speak to him," she says excitedly, 'hi-fi' ing Myra.

 "I don't think it's a good-" I was cut off halfway with Diya shoving her phone to my ears. 

 "Hi, sis! Everything ok?" Aarush answered the call.

 "Hello, Aarush. This is Ria. I wanted Diya to text you that I am getting my Mehendi done but she called you. I can't reply to your messages. No, I'm not angry nor am I ignoring you."

  "Woah, slow down babe. So, you are not avoiding me?"

  "No, Do you want me to?"

  "God, no! I was just asking. Anyways, what design are you putting? Make it easy for me to find my name alright?" 

   "Nope. End the call now. I need to continue with my Mehendi"

   "You are no fun. Bye."

    Once he ended the call, I stared at the two girls in front of me, they seemed to be very interested in their Mehendi. These girls are more excited for me than I am for me.  "Didi, where and what should I write?" Myra and Diya joined by my side and started to look for the perfect spot to find Aarush's name. 

    "Here. Right the name Aarush between the petals of the flower. Make sure it is disguised as a pattern," says Myra, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me. "Got to make sure he has a hard time finding it," laughs Diya, smirking at Myra and me. 

   After 3 hours, the lady finishes applying the henna. The end result was really pretty. Even I had a hard time trying to locate Aarush's name again amidst the very small minute details and patterns. All the aunties and other ladies adored my hands and tried their luck to find Aarush's name. 


  It was a long day today. I had my Sangeet, Mehendi and Haldi. Tomorrow is my wedding. It's funny how fast days go by. I was just about to hit the bed when I heard a knock on the door. 

   "Come in"

   In came, my mumma. "Hi maa, any problem? Why aren't you asleep yet?" I ask. Sighing deeply, she takes a seat, "Sleep can wait today. Tomorrow, you are getting married. It seems like yesterday I gave birth to you and now you are all grown up and going to get married. I have always wished to see you as a dulhania. The house would not feel the same without you." She wiped her tears as she cupped my cheeks and kissed my forehead. 

   "Come on maa, it's not like I'm going to disappear into thin air. I will come to visit you whenever I can, alright? Please stop crying,"

   "Such a rock," she scoffed "It doesn't hurt to show your emotions you know?"

   "Alright, alright, sure I will miss you," I rolled my eyes.

   "On a serious note, Aarush is the best person we could give your hands to. Don't ever think we will be careless regarding this. Yes, the media portrays an image of him but I assure you that he is totally different. However, at any point of your relationship, if you think that something is not working,  and decide to leave it, both paa and I will support you as long as you have put in the effort to make the relationship work at least once." 

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