Chapter 4

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Gajeel P.O.V

We were flying high over a stretching forest, heading toward a small mountain dead in the center. Or at least that's what it looked like to me. She held my gloved hand in hers as she lead the way, her blue wings silent in the night. I kept my wings glamoured as we flew so as not to draw attention.

As we flew in the silence, I could only think of the first time we met. On the bloody battlefield.


Carnage surrounded me as the heat of battle raged on. Chimera and seraph alike strewn around me. My sword ran through the body of a centaur like creature, causing it to crumple to the ground. A blade caught my back, causing me to turn and swing.

The blue haired feline jumped back with a hiss and snarl. Her fluffy tail was wrapped tight to keep it clean, though it tuffed out at the end. Black war paint smeared her face and she held two short blades in her paws. Even then, when I first saw her, she captivated me. But in the thick of battle, adrenaline and blood lust controlled my blade.

She charged at me and I used my armored arm to stop her blades, as mine plunged into her stomach. She cried out and I felt like a sword was twisting in my own gut. A large black fist shot me backwards and the feline crumpled to the ground. A black panther stood above her, growling at me. He quickly lifted her into his arms and flew away on his own white wings.

*Flashback End*

I was still baffled as to how she was alive, and as I watched her graceful flight, I was glad she was. I would never admit it to my brothers, not even Natsu and Erza, but I despised the war. I regretted every tally we carved into out fingers after every battle. Even more so when I attacked this small creature. Since she saved me, I have not taken another life. To repay the kindness she did me, I would not take another comrade away from her.

She flew us over the green covered mountain, and as we descended into the thick canopy, I could see it wasn't a mountain. It was a temple, hidden in the lush of the forest. Night birds, Evangalies that were part snake part bird, were singing a beautiful haunting melody. A small stream passed quietly through the temple.

The girl holding my hand landed lightly on her feet and released my hand. I stood in front of her, towering high over her. We stared at each other in silence for a long time. She hesitantly reached up, her hands hovering at my mask. I nodded slightly and she smiled. She carefully pulled off my mask and held it in her hands. I reached up and gently pulled the bird mask from her face, revealing the beautiful girl underneath.

We were still silent, drinking in each other's features. Finally she broke the silence. "Levy." it was a moment before I realized she had given me her name. "Gajeel." Again she smiled. She walked to the stream and plopped down, removing the painful looking heels from her paws. I walked over and sat a few feet away from her so I wouldn't make her uncomfortable.

"Why did you come?" she asked quietly after a moment. The question hound my have caught me by surprise, but it did. "To thank you for one. And I do t know why but.... I wanted to see you." She blushed a little as she looked at me. I grinned. "Your cute when you blush." This only made her blush more and I laughed. She pouted and looked away trying to hide her blush.

"So where are we?" I asked when I finally stopped laughing. "The Temple of Ellia." She said. "She's the goddess assassins and secret lovers. The little sister to Nitid. The goddess of life and happiness." She pointed to the moons above us as she spoke, the fuller small moon was Ellia and the larger nearly hidden moon for Nitid. "There's an old legend for the sister moons. About how we chimera were created." She said quietly. "And you Sephrim too."

"And what legend is that?" I asked as I stretched out beside her. "The older sister Nitid was beautiful. So beautiful that the mighty Sun wanted her for himself." She shuttered slightly, like she was remembering something nasty. "One night the sun stole into Nitids room, and raped her. Nitid was so sad and depressed, her tears fell to the earth, creating the chimera. Ellia was filled with hatred and anger for the Sun. She approached him the next day and stabbed him. His blood falling to the earth and creating the sephrim."

I was quiet for awhile after her story. "Well that's not a very good story." I said with a bit of a grin. She puffed out her cheeks. "Well I don't really like being made of sorrow." I couldn't stop the next words out of my mouth. "Your too beautiful to be made of sorrow."

Levy P.O.V

"Your too beautiful to be made of sorrow." I looked at him and felt a blush come across my cheeks. Many people had called me beautiful, but when he did, it made me happy. A pink tint seemed to cross his face as he looked away. I inched a little closer, not looking at him. "Your not bad looking yourself." My face got hotter, though I tried to tell myself it was just the heat from his invisible wings. That didn't help now that I was right beside him. We were quiet for a moment before his arm slowly wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up at him, to find his red eyes staring into mine.

There was a connection there. A deep, meaningful and passionate connection. I never felt this was about anyone, not Thiago and not Jet, the only other of my kind. My heart hammered in my chest as his gloved hand reached up and gently stroked my cheek. Even from his gloved hand I could feel an electric spark coursing through my veins. I couldn't help but lean my face into his palm and sigh a little.

He leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. "Iv never felt like this about anyone before." He whispered my own thoughts. I looked into his burning red eyes. "Neither have I." Our faces seemed to inch closer and closer together. Time seemed to slow and stretch forever until our lips finally touched. His lips were soft and warm and completely electrifying. Our lips moved in sync as our hands tangled in each others hair. My heart raced in my chest as he pulled me closer. We pulled back slightly as we breathed heavily. His glamour had faded away and his blazing wings cast a shadow on him, leaving only his blazing eyes to glow in the shadows. Our lips crashed together again and I was scarcely aware that my back was pressed against the stone floor. His hands explored all over my body and my body exploded in a swirl of sensation. That night, I felt so many different sensations. Things I never thought I could feel.

Including love.

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