Chapter 15

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Gajeel P.O.V

I walked with Levy, still feeling odd in my new body. It felt like a glove that was too tight and I felt like I had to shift my skin around. Levy pulled her cloak tight around her neck to hide the ugly bruise around her neck.

She pulled me through what looked like an underground cathedral and towards a large set of doors. She used the hand that held Thiagos thurbil and opened the large doors. What I saw stunned me. I know the Warlord had agreed to help us in our peace, but I knew it would be hard for everyone to get along. Or at least I thought so. There were chimera sitting with sephrim and even some of the older gentler sephrim were playing with some of the children. "Amazing isn't it?" Levy asked and I just nodded. "Are you sure I'm not dead?" She giggled. "Your not. It was a few hours before I could get away and the Warlord and Brimstone had to break up several scraps. But it's gone smoothly since." I nodded, looking for my two closest sidings. Levy tugged on my hand and pointed across the small gathering area.

There they were with two chimera. The blue haired kirin from before and another, a blonde girl. She had golden rabbit ears sticking out of her hair and her legs morphed like mine but into rabbit haunches. She also had a small cotton tail at her backside. Levy pulled me over to them and they caught sight of me. Erza caught sight of me and stomped over to me and I tensed, getting ready for a hit. Instead, she hugged me. "E-Erza?!" I asked startled. "Don't scare me like that... Jerk..." she mumbled.

I smiled a little and hugged her back. She pulled back and wiped her eyes before I could see the tears. "Oi!" I shouted, feeling someone pull my tail. I turned around to find a grinning Natsu. "What was the for you bastard?" I asked while pulling my tail away from him. He mearly shrugged and grinned. I glared at him before turning back to Erza. She was back sitting with the kirin, and I swear she was blushing. "I think she's got it bad." Natsu said with a grin. I laughed and nodded. I looked to Levy only to find she had left.

"She went that way," Natsu said, pointing towards the palace. I nodded and headed off to find my blue haired feline.

Levy P.O.V

I left Gajeel with his siblings and went to take Thiagos thurbil to the Warlord. I met Lily on the way and took him with me so I want alone. We entered the palace and went to the throne room, I bowed as I approached the Warlord. "My lord, I bring Thiago." I said as I lifted the thurbil. "He attacked me in Brimstones shop and I had to subdue him." I set the thurbil in front of him and back up a little.

He picked up the silver instrument and held it for a moment. Then, with a flick of the wrist, he opened it. "W-What are you doing my lord?!" I asked. "My son will never allow this peace to go on. He will only wish for more and more blood shed. He should have passed in battle centuries ago. This is only right." I could tell it pained him, it was his son after all. I knew Thiago was a monster, but he was still one of us, someone who was alive. I sighed softly before bowing to the Warlord and leaving with Lily.

"We need to get ready to meet with the emperor. I don't think it will go as smoothly as it did with the Warlord" I said. Lily sighed and nodded before ruffling my hair. "We will figure it out." I nodded as we exited the palace, almost running face first into Gajeel. "Oh hey," I said with a smile. He smiled back. I still couldn't get over this new face. I had nearly lost him and it scared me that I could again. I clutched the edge of his shirt and he frowned a little. I'm sure he saw the worry in my face but he simply pulled me into his arms. I hugged him tightly and breathed deeply. "We're half way there. Will you follow me to the end?" he asked quiet. I looked up to him with a smile. "I'll follow you to oblivion if I have to."

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