Chapter 9

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Gajeel P.O.V

No, this can't be her. It can't be! I saw them kill her, I saw her head fall off that platform. But I knew these big brown eyes. That blue hair that escaped the wrap around her head. Her hands were gloved and she gripped one of her signature curved blades.

"L-Levy?!" I asked. My voice was hoarse and I could feel my eyes ache as I tried not to cry. She smiled. That smiled that brought light to my world, first on the battlefield, and now again in the streets of Marakesh. I dropped my sword and pulled her into my arms. She was tense for a moment before she relaxed and wrapped her arms around me. "I wanted to find you.. But I didn't know where to start...." She whispered. I shook my head as I stroked her head. "I'm just so glad your alive.... I thought... I thought..." My voice caught and she squeezed me tightly.

"Shh it's alright. Listen, we can't talk here." She pulled back and I realized people were staring, though I didn't much care. "Meet me at the Temple of Ellia tonight." She whispered. I nodded and she smiled again before turning and dashing down the sandy road. Blood covered her back where I had cut her and my stomach turned. I can't believe I hurt her. All the things I have done in the past month came flooding back to me. I had relaid the information about the resurrectionest to my superior and now, we were cutting off the supply of teeth. All the anger I had been clinging to was now gone, and I only felt dread and guilt. I looked down at my inked hands, more tally marks lined my fingers. My left hand was now completely marked and my right thumb had several marks.

I had lost all hope for that world of peace we had imagined. And especially now, I don't think she could forgive me for the things iv done. I had promised not to take anymore of her kind, and yet look at me. I will be the cause of their extinction.

Levy P.O.V

I had made it back to Brimstones shop with the teeth and Issa was dressing my wound. It wasn't anything serious and I could still fly. I told her about Gajeel. "Are you sure sweet girl? I know what you two had, but he's been taking lives since then." Lily had said he saw him in battle and it broke my heart. But that didn't change how I felt about him. If things were the other way around, I would have done the same thing. I dressed in the white tunic and black leggings I wore after my first reawakening along with a black cloak.

"Be safe." Issa whispered as she kissed my head. I made my way through the dark city streets. I managed to escape the city without being seen and soon I was soaring high above the ruined forest. When Thiago burned the temple, the forest burned too. I entered through the ceiling of the ruined temple. He wasn't here yet, so I sat by the stream. It no longer flowed red and was pure again. I looked up t the sound of wings flapping and Gajeel dropped through the roof. I stood and smiled up at him, removing my hood. He looked at me grimly. "No smile for me?" "Levy I-" I held up my hand.

"Lily told me. And I don't blame you." He blinked at me in surprise. "I should be angry. I should hate you. But I cant." I walked up to him and smiled up at him. Tears pricked my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall. I reached my gloved hand up to caress his face. "I love you too much to be angry at you." Tears pricked his own red eyes, his stone mask crumbling apart. He pulled me into his arms and clung to me like I was the only thing keeping him to this earth.

The tears finally left my eyes and I sobbed as I clung to him. We sank to the floor on our knees as we both cried. I wasn't sure how long we knelt there but he eventually pulled back slightly. He gently kissed my forehead, my eyelids, my nose and eventually my lips. The kiss was salty from our tears and so so sweet. I kissed him like he was all my breath, all my reason. We parted, both panting and out of breath.

"Iv missed you so much Levy..." He whispered. I smiled. "Iv missed you too Gajeel." I kissed him softly. He gently rubbed my ear and I purred a little. "What happened to your fur?" He asked. "When Brimstone brought me back, he changed the color so I wouldn't draw attention. No one but Issa, Brimstone, Lily and you know I'm alive." He nodded a little before kissing my ear. I giggled and looked up at him.

"Gajeel?" "Hmm?" He looked down at me. "Despite everything, would you still be willing to fight for peace?" He frowned a little and I could see him turning the idea in his head. I knew he was angry with everyone but he was still tired of fighting. Then he smiled.

"As long as you stay by my side, I will fight forever."

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