Chapter 7

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Lily P.O.V

I had been in Brimstones shop during the execution. "This is crazy you know that right?" I asked. He nodded and Issa giggled. "Would she want it any other way?" The snake woman asked. I sighed and headed out to begin my task. It would take at least three days for Levy to Evanescence, so guards were stationed around her body at the platform. It made my gut turn to think of the poor girl left to rot in the sun.

I couldn't think about that now.

I made my way through the dungeons and nodded to the guard. "My shift." I told him. He simply yawned and walked away. I waited, to make sure he was good and gone before entering the blocked cell. The angel was chained to the wall, his arms spread and wings still pinned. He simply stared at the blood covered floor, his face haunted. He barely glanced up as I walked in front of him. The first thing I did was unpin his wings before taking off the arm chains.

As soon as he was free his fist met my face. I skidded backwards and tried to shield myself but his heel met the side of my head and the next thing I know I'm waking up on the stone floor. I groaned a little and rubbed my head. The angel was long gone and all was still quiet. He wasn't spotted. I looked out the window and I could see it was now dark out. It has to have been a good three hours. I made my way outside before I started sprinting. Thiago was doing his rounds outside, and he was now patrolling near the platform where Levy was executed.

"Commander! We have a problem!" I shouted at him. He stopped and turned towards me. "What is it soldier?" I stopped in front of him, saluting quickly. "It's the angel sir. He's gone!"I thought I saw his eyes widen in shock but his face was composed in the next second. He motioned for the soldiers and I to follow him. I turned slightly as we walked away and I saw the silhouette of the snake woman by the platform.

A silver thurbil in her hands.

Issa P.O.V

As Thiago and the soldiers vanished into the palace I quickly moved towards Levy. I opened the thurbil, allow smoke to flow from it. I gently stroked her hair, smiling sadly. "Don't worry sweet girl. We will help you with your world of peace." I whispered to her. As I waited for the inscents in the thurbil to work I gently sang to her. I have known her since she was a small girl, and thought of her as my own. I knew Brimstone felt the same way. He was not one for emotions or keeping anyone close, but Levy was different.

Defying the White Wolf was all his idea.

He believes in the world these two children wanted to create. He believes in their hope and love, he wishes to see that world unfold. And so do I.

I tucked the thurbil into the bag on my shoulder and quickly slither towards the underground cathedral and Brimstones work shop. He had a string of teeth in his hands, working hard. I could make out small feline teeth and small bird bones stringed together. I waited for him to look up as I rested in front of his desk. He finished up the necklace before looking up. I set the thurbil in front of him. I swear I saw him smile.

"Lock the door Issa, just to be safe." He said quietly. I nodded before locking the door I came through, and the door on the other side of the shop. The door to Earth. He set the necklace on a cleared table and closed his eyes. I could feel the magic coming from him and the immense power. The necklace slowly shifted and formed before taking the shape of the Sava girl I loved dearly. Her blue hair was curled around her peaceful face and her eyes were closed. She looked just like before, only her fur was now black and hamsas marked her palms. He grabbed the thurbil and hung it above her body before opening it. We were quiet for a long time as we watched.

And then she breathed.

Levy P.O.V

I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I felt light and yet my weighted down with sorrow. I would never see Gajeel again, and worse, he would be dead soon. There was nothing I could do for him.

As I floated in the nothingness I thought I could hear someone singing. It almost sounded like Issa. She always sang to me when I was saddened so maybe I was hallucinating.

I didn't feel light anymore, I started feeling very very heavy. There was a tightness where my chest would be. It was almost painful. So painful and everything felt strange. It would do no good but I took a deep breath. Air! Air filled my lungs and my mind started racing. My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly, gasping for air. Gentle hands wrapped a blanket around me and I turned to see Issa smiling sweetly at me.

"Welcome back sweet girl." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What... But I..." She pat my shoulder. "Relax dearest. All will be explained shortly." There was a rough knock on the door and she tensed a little. It took me a minute to realize I was in Brimstones shop.

"It's just me." Lily said through the door. Issa sighed slightly and smiled, opening the door for him. He came straight to me and hugged me tight. "Welcome back." He said quietly. I was still confused as he pulled back. Issa handed me a bundle of clothing and pushed me towards the back to get dressed. My limbs felt stiff and everything was tight, like my skin was to small for me. I dressed in the white tunic and black leggings she had given me. As I changed I noticed for the first time my black fur. And then my hamsas.

They brought me back.

I was still looking at my palms when I walked out from changing. "Why did you do this?" I whispered as I looked at the three of them. Brimstone stepped towards me and placed his large hands on my shoulders. "We did this so we could have the peace you two dreamed for. Lily released the angel a few hours ago. This is the beginning of the new era. This is the beginning of hope."

I looked at him wide eyed. He denied the White Wolf for peace. He brought me back to fight to end the war. I smiled and hugged the big beast. He pat my head and chuckled low. We could do this.

Hope will pave the way.

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