Cinema Secrets

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It was me, Logan my friend jazzy and her boyfriend Antony going to the cinema. It was Jazzy's idea to go as she knew I really liked Logan and she thinks that he likes me too, we all decided to go to a 4d cinema as none of us had been to one before and it seemed really fun. We were watching some scary horror movie but to be honest I wasn't going for the movie I was going to spend time with Logan. We ordered our stuff, me and jazzy getting sour patch kids with slushys and then Antony and Logan just got water for some reason. We went into the dark room and I almost tripped but Logan caught me.

"Thank you, that was embarrassing" I blushed, but he couldn't see as it was dark

"Anytime babe" I don't know why he always calls me babe when we're not even together. We all sat down me sitting next to Logan of course and then Antony then jazzy.

It was now 1 hour into the movie and for some reason I found myself resting on Logan's shoulder.

"Um I'm just gonna go to the restroom" I whispered to the group. They all moved their legs out of the way so i could leave, I always found it awkward leaving halfway through a movie.

I honestly didn't need a toilet I just wanted a break from the movie, I walked to the toilets and thank god no body was there I also found that awkward when other people were in the restroom at the same time as me, I'm weird I know. I looked at myself in the mirror and applied a bit of my makeup and started scrolling through my phone.
Logan's POV:

Y/n had been gone for quite some time now so I'm gonna go "check on her"

"Hey guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say, both jazzy and Antony both gave me a I know what you mean look. I walked out of the cinema room and somehow gained the balls so go into the girls bathroom praying to god only y/n would be in there.
Back to your POV:
as I was about to leave the door opened and surprisingly Logan was there

"Logan what the fuck are you doing in the girls bathroom"

"I think you know what I'm here for" i knew what he meant by that and we gazed into eachother eyes for seconds. Without wanting to wait any longer mine and Logan's lips smashed together and I let his tongue dance with mine.

"Jump" he commanded. I jumped and he caught me grabbing onto my bum. He carried me to the sink counter and placed me down roughly. I broke the kiss and spoke

"Logan" I breathed "you do realise we are doing this in a cinema bathroom

"I don't care y/n, be a maverick" he joked. He started kissing me on my neck and we could both tell we had wanted to do this for ages by our pace. He started to unbuckle his belt and I couldn't let him do this here, what if someone walked in

"Logan we can't do this here" I whispered

"Fine, lets go" we both pase walked to the car to go home and I sent a message to jazz

Message to jazz:
"Me and Logan are going to skip the movie today, I'll come back to yours when we're done😉"

We both got in the car and he started to drive pretty fast

"You want me that much huh" I smirked

"Yep, and also having a boner in these jeans is not the greatest feeling" minuets of silence went by and we still had not arrived at Logan's apartment

"Fuck it" Logan spoke, he pulled over on the random road that we were on and he started to unbuckle his trousers again. He jumped to the back of the car and grabbed a condom from the front seat back pocket.

"Want me to put it on for you" I asked as a joke but also partly serious

"I'm cool thanks" I took off my shoes and joined Logan at the back, I sat on his lap making sure he didn't enter me yet. We kissed and he took off my white crop top. I started to feel him try to unbuckle my bra but it wasn't quite working for him so I took it off myself

"Looks like we have a beginner" I smiled

"You won't be saying that when were finished" I hopped off of Logan and sat next to him as we both took of our bottoms and underwear. Him wearing his tight black jeans and boxers and me jeans and lacy red thongs. Logan was now only wearing a shirt and I was now naked I went back on him hovering above his lap and he directed his length into me

"Oh fuck" we both moaned. We prompted Into a more comfortable position and I started bouncing on Logan. My head moved more towards Logan's neck and he started kissing me while I was riding him.

"Oh baby girl you have no idea" he caught his breath "how long I've wanted to do this for"

"You have wet dreams huh?"

"Don't act like you haven't" we carried on the enjoyable process and Logan felt so good inside me.

"Fuck" I screamed "I'm gonna cum"

"Wait just a few more minutes babe, please"

While still riding Logan it was hard to keep it inside me the pounds started getting sloppier and sloppier and I came all over Logan's length.

"I hope you know we aren't stopping now"

"Your saying you wanna carry on?"

"Yes, now lie down" I followed Logan's commands and layed down, my head on one side of the door and my legs on the other side

"This is comfortable" I said sarcastically

"I don't care I just want you more"

I spread my legs wide open and logan got in between them.

"You ready?" He asked

"Ye-" without warning Logan slammed himself inside me like a steam truck

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" I screamed. With every pound I said something. I played with his hair and it was getting too much, I felt like I was going to pass out

"Logan I swear to god" I swallowed "I'm gonna fucking faint"

"Not yet baby girl" he leaned closer to my ear and he whispered "daddy likes to hear your screams"
He knew that word would turn me on like no other. Minutes went by of pure please and Logan started to get faster

"I'm gonna cum" he said

"Cum for me daddy" I whispered. He pounded a few more times before his white liquid poured all over the car seats and on the sides of my leg. He crashed on top of me, both of us out of breath

"If we did this at yours we would of been able to sleep, but you couldn't hold your baby boner any longer as had to do it here"

"Shut up with that baby boner shit, I had you screaming for my name" we both laughed and put on our clothes. Logan drove me to jazzys and we had arrived
"You want help cleaning that up" I giggled meaning the cum on the back seats

"Nah I like the smell, I'll clean it up when I get home"

"Your disgusting" I laughed. Jazzy had opened her front door

"Alright I gotta go Logey" I said cutely

"Wait before you go" he got out the car and opened the door for me

"So your a gentleman a long as a fuckboy"

"Not a fuckboy just really good at fucking" we laughed and I kissed Logan goodbye, he got back in his car and drove off

I walked towards jazzys front door face red of embarrassment

"You had sex didn't u" she laughed


"Car sex?!" I turned and gave her a smirk "oh my god you two are vile" we both laughed and I went inside her house, knowing me and Logan were now together.
Wow end of story. This one was long af 1.3k WORDS ARE YOU BEING FR. Anyways tell me if you guys want more stuff like this. Byeeee :)

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