Dont leave me alone

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Text messages:
Y/n: Logan I know you said not to talk to you again but please take me back.

Logan: You broke my heart y/n please don't text me back

Y/n: Logey please hear me out

Logan: don't call me that. Im not explaining to you AGAIN. I have already 1000x, ur just making this harder for yourself let alone me. bye
End of texts
Logan and I had been split up for 3 months and I really needed him. Truth is my family is complicated, they forged me to break up with him because they didn't like his YouTube personality they said he only jokes and doesn't take anything seriously when truth is he's the most real person ever but still so much fun. I try to tell Logan that I didn't want to do this and I wanna tell him when my parent do and why and I broke up with him. My family forced me to break up with him and said they found me a new boyfriend, he's abusive he treats me like shit and forces me to do stuff I don't wanna do. If I ever talk to logan again and he somehow listens to me I'm never talking to my parents or my "boyfriend" Darren again.

Tonight Darren had taken me on a date and like usual I didn't like it i always felt uncomfortable around him. He said that tonight would be fun and by fun he meant he was gonna force me to have sex with him, what disgusts me the most is that my parents know what he does and they let it happen they really don't care about me.

"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU" I heard Darren shout

"I'm in the bedroom" I speak, I always have to speak mannered to him or he says I'll get punished. He makes his way to the bedroom and today he didn't want to wait

"TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF" he demands so I did so. He forced to give him pleasure and he would kiss me where I didn't wanna he kissed, not by him anyways. Today was bad worse then usual he would never treat me like this he was bad but not this bad.

When we were finished he slammed the bedroom door and I now he left the apartment because I heard the front door open and close. I struggle to get up tears falling down my face uncontrollably and I look for a hoodie to cover my bare body. I couldn't take this any longe it had to tell logans what's goin on

Text messages:
Y/n: Logan?

Logan: what now
I understand why logan is always so mad the way I left him wasn't fair
Y/n: please we need to talk, I need your help

Logan: no

Y/n: I'm being raped Logan

Logan: what?

Y/n: I never wanted to break up with you. It was all my parents. They forced me to break up with you because they don't like the way you portray yourself on the internet. They FORCED me to leave you and they got me a new boyfriend. He hits me everyday and forces me to touch him and he touches me when I don't ever want to. Not a day goes by when I don't think about how much I love you and I didn't want this to happen. My life's been hell and I'm sorry for only just telling you but I can't take it any longer. I'm sitting here and I just got raped 20 minuets ago and I'm drowning in my own tears. Please take me back logan I can't do this any longer

Logan: oh my god. why didn't you tell me baby. I'm coming to get you now what's your address

End of texts:
I sent logan my apartment address and he said he would be here in the next 20 minuets hopefully Darren wouldn't be back by then, but even if he was I know logan would protect me and take me away from him anyways

The doorbell rang and I got a text message from Logan saying he was outside so I opened it with confidence knowing it was him. Seeing Logan made me feel a different level of happiness i hadn't seen him in what felt like forever he completed me.

Logan: y/n, baby I'm so sorry you've had to go through this I didn-

I cut him off

Y/n: it wasn't your fault
I cry
Y/n: its mine for not telling you all this time. I'm sorry for ever leaving you and breaking up with you in the first place logey

I cried and cried and Logan comforted me making me feel safe

Logan: "come on we need to" I put on my shoes and we left the apartment and I made an oath to myself I would never go back there again

We're now in Logans apartment and it was amazing, it was just me and Logan thank god no one else was there.

"Get in the shower, and get changed into my clothes, I'll be waiting for you out here" Logan stayed in the bedroom an I went into his en suite god I missed it here.

"Um Logan do you mind if I use your towel" I ask nervously

"Go ahead babe" he said, he was calling me babe so I guess he forgiven me and were back together now,  but that conversations for another day. I use logans towel and it smelt exactly like him which I loved. I came out of the bedroom and laid next to Logan

"Thank you for today"

"I will do anything for my princess" he whispered. We watched movies and the night came.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'll leave you in here and go sleep on the couch"

"No logan...please...stay" I said quietly. He came back to bed and I leaned forward to kiss him

"Y/n you don't have to if you don't want to"

"I want to Logan" we kissed and god damn I missed that sweet tingly sensation that I got when I kissed him.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

And we fell asleep
This was really shit I'm so sorry💛

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