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I woke up Logan sleeping like angel below me, last night we you know...had sex so we were both naked and he was below me. My head was on his chest and the sound of his heartbeat was so soothing. I run circles with my thumb on Logans chest which made his wake up

"Hmmm" he moans stretching his arm out and placing them on me like an x shape

"Good morning baby" I smile

"Good morning" he says now running his fingers through my hair "how did you sleep"

"Perfect" I smile from ear to ear

"Someone's woken up in a good mood" He now smiles

"Well that's because I fell asleep in a good mood"

"Wonder why that is" he smirks

"So what are we doing today"

"Smashing?" He laughs


"Logey?" I ask looking up to his head

"Yes babe" he says looking down to me

"Why don't we vlog?"

"I don't feel like it today y/n"


"I've got no video ideas though"

"Yes you do"

"What" he says looking confused

"Well instead of doing a crazy fan filled vlog, why don't we just show them an ordinary day of our life. Show them how hard it really is to edit and how u stay up all night but then also how we do cute thing throughout the day. Not EVERYTHING has to be so energetic you know"

"But that's not my brand babe, my brand is to be out going"

"No. That was your old brand remember. You've told the fans that you've changed and that you've grown up. Which you have. But u also told them your still crazy. So today's vlog is gonna be a normal house hold vlog"

"Fine. I like that idea. But if my views go down it's your fault"

"Trust me there gonna go UP" I sit up forgetting we were both butt ass naked revealing my naked body and sitting on Logans private area

"Should we record this?" He joked

"Shut up" I say walking into the bathroom. We and Logan bras out teeth have a shower and get ready together then go downstairs to start the vlog.

"AYOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD MORNING LOGANG WHAT THE FUCK IS POPPIN" he screams "now guys I know it's been a long time since I last made a video but today I'm gonna vlog because I'm kinda bored and I feel like it"

"Logan stop lying it was my idea"

"She's kinda right, I just lied. I'm sorry guys. ANYWAYS. today I'm just gonna do a normal daily vlog no crazy shit I'm just gonna be one of those cringey you tubers and do a day in my life" he said dramatically

"Soooo please don't click off the video give ya boi and chance and ugh let's do this" Logan had been vlogging for some time now and he actually seemed to be enjoying it, I missed him vlogging bc that's how we met and to see him not vlogging it's like a bit of him is missing so that's why I wanted him to vlog so bad. Logan came walking up to me nervously cute with his hand behind his back with a camera


"Yes Logan" I say back smiling

"I got you something" he handed me a dead tulip

"Oh...wow" I laugh

"What's funny I went to the fucking woods to get you that and all u do is laugh" he shouted

"I'm very thankful but couldn't you find a flower that's you know...alive" I laugh again

"I don't care. anyways. Before you rudely interrupted me by laughing i was gonna ask you if you wanted to go on a date. Without cameras" he smiles

"Okay, what time" I smile standing up


"Okay baby, thank you" he ran inside screaming to his camera with excitement...

Logan Paul imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang