First fight

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Me and Shawn had been dating for a little more then one year and yesterday we had our first argument, it wasn't even about anything that serious but there was shouting, throwing things and crying so I left his place and went back to my apartment. I woke up early at 8:30 and I missed Shawn by my side he must feel lonely too, having an argument with Shawn didn't feel right to me but I guess it happens In every relationship and sadly that's happening to us now. I get up from bed brush my teeth and get in the shower. After my warm shower I throw on comfy clothes and sit on my phone. No messages from Shawn or even a call. About an hour after scrolling through my phone a notification pops up

20% battery

I search around my house everywhere and it's no where to be found, not under the bed, not beside my bed not even in my draws I think about where I last used my phone and it comes to mind, it's at Shawns house. I wasn't just gonna sit there and let my phone die so I build up the courage to put my shoes on get my car keys and make my way to his, on the way there I was really nervous we hadn't spoke at all since yesterday and it would just be kinda awkward for me to just show up but I carry on. As I knew Shawn's gate passcode I make my way into the driveway and sit in my car for ten minutes with many things running through my mind, I didn't know if I could do it. After thinking I open my car door, get out and lick the car, I nervously walk towards his front door and knock 3 times. No answer. I knock again and this time I heard Shawns footsteps coming closer. The door opens slowly and there's Shawn in a grey tracksuit no too and his guitar.

"Oh...hi I wasn't expecting you"

"Yeah..I've just came to get my charger and then I'm leaving"

"Ok-" Shawn replies

I walk past him and up into his room while he stays downstairs, I grab my charger and a perfume I didn't even realise I left here there was also some of my clothes but I couldn't be bothered to take those, I make my way back downstairs

"bye" I say quietly

"bye y/n" he sniffles

Shawn POV:

Honestly hated us arguing she's my other half and for us to feel this apart broke me into pieces but I just don't show it. Y/n went upstairs to get whatever she came here for and 5 minuets later she comes back down

"bye" she whisperers

"bye y/n" I sniffle, I almost cried from the thought of us being like this. She closes the door and I can't let this carry on, I run to the front door and open it

"Y/N" I yell, she doesn't answer but stops walking

"y/n" I breathe "please just let me talk" she turns around and now we're facing eachother, the tension running high. Her face dropping down and hair in front of her face, I tilt her head up to face me and tears start running down her.

"Look honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you and start throwing things. I know it's a rubbish excuse but I've been so stressed about the tour next year and I just wanna make it perfect. I didn't mean to take out my anger on you. I-" she cut me off

Your POV:

"baby" I whisper "it's not all your fault I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have stressed about such a little thing and then storm off like that without you a chance to explain" he rubs the tears of my face and kisses me for a few seconds, I stand there I'm shawn embrace feeling ever so safe. Him holding me tight letting my worries flash away into nothing. His fluffy soft hair tickling the top of my forehead and his hands intertwining mine like a missing puzzle piece I've needed for what felt like forever. Goosebumps forming all over my body with a massive sensation of happiness being in the arms of the man I love. Being in the arms of the man who I trust with my life. Being in the arms of the man I am in love with "I love you Shawn"

"I love you too"

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