Was this all a lie?!

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I had saw Logans previous Snapchats from last night, he was drunk and was surrounded by girls, I don't mind that he was drunk but why all the girls. I replayed the videos over and over again in my mind hoping I wasn't over reacting but 1 line he said really got me angry, he said

"Where all them hoes at?" Then on the next story he was surrounded by half naked girls some w basically there boobs out and he said "I got them hoes thooo!" Logans never been like this before so I don't know what came over him last night. Maybe someone gave him a little too much alcohol. My instagram was flooded with these videos and tagged in so many pictures so I decided to put my phone away.

Today was Sunday mine and Logan's together night where it's only me and him cus we're both so busy and don't get as much time as we would like together.

"Hi baby come in" it was so cute candles were lit blankets were out and there was wine on the table.

"Sit down get comfy do the usual"


"Why are you so stiff" he says handing me a glass of wine

"Nothing" I say with a smile ignoring the pain. An hour into the movie I had to confront Logan I wasn't even watching the movie because it's all I could think about

"Logan what were you doing last night" I questioned

"I told you I went out with the boys"

"Oh really.. the boys?"

"Yes who else would I be with"

"Don't give me that Logan" I say getting off his lap

"Babe I'm so confused right now" he says, at this point I was wondering if I was going crazy i was just over reacting about the whole situation

"Logan are you trying to make me look stupid?! I saw your Snapchat story about you and your "hoes"" I air quote

"What hoes are you going on about?!" He raised his voice a little

"Do you want me to show you! I don't care I'm gonnna show you" I showed Logan his story and he seemed hella confused, I don't think this was an act

"Babe I don't remember doing that, the only thing I remember is going to the club with George, mark, juanpa, Mike, Mac, and them some other guys joined us. We had a few drinks and then I woke up here"

"Wait what do you mean "some random guy"" I asked

"He just joined out group and then he left"

"Logan...I don't wanna sound stupid here but I think he drugged you or gave you some weird drink. Because If your saying that's the only thing you remember and then you woke up here, he has. I don't think mark George or any of your boys would do that"

"Maybe, but babe I didn't mean anything I said. I don't care about him drugging me I won't talk to him again. Just please forgive me"


"Do you not believe me? What can I do"

"It's fine I believe you"

"Do you really?"

"Yes, I forgive you baby. Of course it annoying but now I know it's not your fault"

"Is there anything you want me to do" he says placing a hand on my thigh

"Never leave me, I don't know where I'd be without you" I say tears forming in my eyes "it really scared me what I saw on your Snapchat, I thought by tonight we would be over and I wouldn't be able to have you anymore. This really really made me appreciate you..a lot" I breathed this time tears falling

"Baby I i-" he was just lost for words and kissed me. "I won't EVER leave you. Cheat on you. Or break your heart. Your gonna be mine till death do us part honey"

"I love you" I whisper. He kisses me again and I end up falling asleep at Logan's resting in his arms

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