My Lovely (shawn mendes imagine)

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I got home from a long day at the studio to find out Shawn wasn't home, he had gone out with camilla and a few on his high school mates, although nearly everyone is Shawn's mendes army shipped him and camilla i trusted him and he has told me before that they were just friends and he loves me so we're cool with it.

I walk into my kitchen to see a pizza box from papa johns (my favourite) Gatorade and a little orange post it note on the box reading:
Hey honey,
I know when you get home I won't be there cus I've gone to a concert, but I've bought you some pizza & Gatorade so hopefully you won't get hungry and also left you some flowers on our bed. I love you and I'll see you see
- Shawn xoxo

He was so caring, he hadn't even gone out for that long and he chose to do this for me god I love him. I go upstairs to our shared bedroom and admire the tulips Shawn had got me, he knew they were my favourite. I get changed into comfy clothes and wait till Shawn back from the concert

Early in the morning 1:27am-
Text from Shawn:
I'll be home in 10 xoxo

Text to Shawn:
See you later babe xoxo

I didn't mind staying up this late, as it's summer I usually don't fall asleep until 3am it's bad I know but Shawn is a really busy guy so he sleeps around half 1. 10 minuets later I hear a knock at the door and I run downstairs to unlock the door for my boyfriend

"Hey babe"

"Did you have a good time?" I said kissing his forehead holding his hand and leading him into the living room

"Yeah it was amazing, Taylor always has fun concerts but I'm so fucking tired"

"Cmon lets go to sleep"

Even though Shawn was tired he insisted that he carries me up the stairs so he did. We go into the bedroom and Shawn puts on his pyjamas and we get into bed. Shawn laying behind me and I could feel his light breath on the back of my neck.

"You know I love you right" he questions kissing the top of my head

"Of course" I turn around now facing him "I love you more"

"You know I don't think that's possible"

"Well I know it is" I smirk at my cocky response. We have a kiss goodnight and fall asleep.
END! do u guys want more shawn stories🤷🏽‍♀️ follow me on Instagram @24hrlogan AND @fxrevermendes

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