Murdoc goes to Wormwood Scrubs

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~2D's POV~

'Thank all that is good in the world that I no longer have to put up with the beast that was our bassist.' 2D smiled. 'But what happens next?' He sat there for some time contemplating the future of Gorillaz. Should he leave that which he had been forced to do for so long? Or should he... continue? But what about a bassist? As much as he hated to admit it, Murdoc was excellent at the bass, they would need someone just as good, if not better, to take his place, as all of the basic elements of Gorillaz were necessary. He placed an add out in NME for a new bassist, and shortly received a call.

"Ello? 'As Murdoc really been put away?" Came a sort of scruffy voice.

"Yeah tha's right?" 2D stated cautiously. He heard some form of hum like the stranger was thinking.

"You lot really need a bassist?"

"Yes, did ya see our ad?" 

"Of course I saw it, was half the size of the page!" The stranger seemed slightly miffed.

"How soon can ya come over?"

"Let me check my schedule," the sound of a wrapper crinkling by the receiver was heard for a second when he said. "Tomorrow."

"That would be grand." The stranger then hung up and 2D realized they hadn't exchanged names, nor had he told the stranger his address, he face palmed and left it as an issue to face another night. Trudging up to bed, he quickly checked on noodle, who was all curled up in her bed, smiling like she was having a good dream. 2D gently shut her door and headed off to his own room. His mind was abuzz when he hit the pillow, but his body was drained, so he went off dreaming about who the new band member might be.


2D woke up around 2 to the sound of their incredibly loud doorbell, but the other band mates seemed undisturbed. He changed into some day clothes , and used Murdoc's old motor chair to go part of the way down the stairs (he always thought it looked fun, until it would stop). Another ring right as he was about to reach the door.

"Hold your horses." 2D says, opening the door. A flash of green skin caused a chill over his spine, he wants to run, but he stayed, paralyzed. Some long greasy hair cleared up that this is not the man he feared him to be.

"Hello there, you must be 2D, right?" Came his familiar voice, he must have been the one on the phone.

"Right, and you are?"

"Ace Copular, pleasure to make your acquaintance." For some reason this made 2D feel very warm, as opposed to his earlier chills. He and this "Ace" were going to get on just fine. But he wasn't so sure how he'd come upon this place, mayhaps a mystery for another day. "Could you please move out of my way?" 

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry about tha'" 2D rushed to the side and let his new bassist in. He could already see making this bassist a permanent arrangement. "Do you want me to show you to your new room?"

"That would be grand." Ace didn't seem overly talkative, but he had a far more pleasant presence than the other. He grabbed two bags which appeared to be his luggage.

"Oh let me get tha' for you!" 2D said making a grab for one of the bags.

"No need love, I can handle it." Love? He brushed it off as nothing and continued to the stairs.


Alright I'm gonna end it there, sorry it's short but this is sorta like a sampler, if this does well enough I'll release something a bit longer, thanks for reading, also sorry for not so obvious a/n, I'm using the website on my phone, so I can't really bold or underline stuff. See you next time!

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