Ace Gets Settled in

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After Ace and 2D finished the grand tour of his room and the partial upstairs of the band's home, 2D prepared to introduce the rest of their band to the new bassist. They sat down on the upstairs couch in a relaxed silence, but 2D knew there were things to get done.

"So uh, tell me about yourself?" 2D said timidly, but less so than before.

"Well I was an actor, a villain for this old tv show, but that gig is no longer." It seemed that would be all 2D would manage to get out of him, so he filled the silence.

"Well would ya like to go meet some of the rest of the band, not some as in not all-" Ace cut the rambling boy off.

"Sure." 2D smiled shyly and stood up, made sure that Ace was following him, and headed for Noodle's room. He gave a gentle knock before receiving Noodle's groggy ok. 

"Who's that Toochi?" A nickname she sometimes still called him. "Toochi" smiled and replied;

"This is Ace, our new bassist." 

"Is he related to Murdoc?" Ace gave a slight laugh, 2D thinks this is probably the first time he's heard him laugh, he'd like to hear it more.

"Not one bit, you must be Noodle, yes?" Ace said with a bit of a grin.

"Tha's right." 2D answered for Noodle. "We'll let you get back to sleep Noodz, let's go meet Russel." Ace just nodded and waved to the tired guitarist.

Russel, now back down to normal size after some trip to Korea, stayed in one of the spare rooms the house had to offer, as no one until recently was willing to stay in murdoc's old abyss. A fully refurbished abyss, all the remains of the ex bassist was the persistent smell of car fresheners. 

The pair walked up to the door with the sign "KEEP OUT" written on it. 2D did not want to challenge the sign, so he simply knocked and hoped for a reply. The door creaked open to reveal the band's own percussionist, wearing his "it's not rael" shirt.

"Hey Russ, we got a new bassist!" 2D said enthusiastically.

"For the band we've been forced to part take in for however many years like prisoners?" Russel looked awful, 2D could only guess the loss of Del was still hitting him.

"Uh y-yes?" He said uncertaintly.

"Sweet." Russel proceeded to slam the door shut, after which Ace yelled;

"Lovely to meet you too!" 2D chuckled nervously, and Ace turned his attention to him. "Are you hungry? I know this place right around here."

"Oh sure." 2D replied, still slightly nervous due to the 'russel incident' as he was calling it in his head.

"Lovely, my treat." Ace said, grabbing 2D by the arm and leading him downstairs. As they left the front door, 2D noticed the vehicle that was likely Ace's transportation here, a red 1976 Ford mustang , classy. 2D hoped into the passenger seat, and Ace took the wheel.

"Nice car you've got." Ace put his hand on 2D's knee.

"Maybe I'll let you drive it sometime." He winked. Another thing that 2D didn't quite understand from the new bassist, but it was certainly friendlier than the previous one.

"T-thank you" 2D simply replied. They shortly drove up to what appeared to be a diner set in the 80's.

"Welcome to double t diner, a quality place if you ask me."  He walked backwards through the doors, patted a boothed seat for 2D to sit at, and went to get a server. 2D twiddled his thumbs and tried not to think about how much like a date this felt like.

"Hey my name's Sam and I'll be your server today," It appears Ace was successful, "can I get you folks started with some drinks?"

"P-pepper mint tea please."

"We don't have it, we got Pepsi though, you won't notice a difference." 2D didn't know how to reply so he just nodded.

"Make that two." Ace said, sliding into the booth next to the bluenette. 'Sam' walked off with our order. As 2D looked around he noticed the place was nearly abandoned. "So what's your uh other name? I figure your parents wouldn't have named you 2 dimensional."

"Oh right, it's Stuart, Stuart Pot, most just say Stu." Though 2D's eyes were black, it wasn't hard to tell that he was avoiding looking at the bassist.

"Hmm, so Stupot then." He said sort of to himself.

"It used to be Tusspot, but my dad changed it." Ace tried not to laugh (tusspot is slang for big queer)

"That's perfect then huh?" Ace said putting his hand on 2D's knee again. 2D didn't know what that meant, so he left it alone. Shortly the drinks arrived, and Ace pulled out a flask. "Don't let Cartoon Network know." He whispered pouring it into his Pepsi. "Would you like some?" 2D nodded, drinking together is a good way to bond with a new band member, right?


836 words, not including this a/n

Double the length of the previous, I wanted to go to a thousand, but I wanted to leave off on this note too, because drinking and fourth wall breaks, and writing slow burns is hard. 

Please let me know if you see any typos, and thank you so much for reading!!! also shout out to @noodle4life for being my first reader & commenter!!!! Tysm!  

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