Walk to Drive

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2D, after putting his mask back in his room with only a slight headache left to remind him of his hangover, headed out with ace to retrieve his 1976 Ford Mustang.

"So what show did ya play in?" 2D asked, awkwardly sticking his hands in his pockets. He was still trying to do his best to team lead, and Ace found it clear that he needed a boost in his confidence.

"Ever hear of the powerpuff girls?" Ace said casually.

"Oh yeah, I used to watch that show with Noodle." They continued walking in what 2D hoped was the right direction when they came upon a sort of crowd. People immediately recognized 2D  and shortly they were surrounded by fans, and what appeared to be approaching paparazzi. Without hesitation, Ace took 2D's hand and forced his way through the crowd, as question after question launched, one he found he liked the sound of; 

"2D is that your boyfriend?" He shook off the thought, 'slowly' he reminded himself. When they made it through to the other end, they ducked into a random building that seemed to be free of paparazzi and pressing fans.

"It's been a while since I've dealt with a crowd like that." Ace said to no one in particular.

"Oh yeah, you prolly faced that a lot? Ya know I was right confused when ya grabbed my hand, but now I think I'm glad ya did." 2D let out a chuckle that didn't sound nervous for once. 

When the pair settled down to realize their surroundings, they found they were in some sort of music store. 2D's Black eyes seemed to settle on a guitar that looked like it could have been in an orchestra, because the design was similar to those stringed instruments. Ace, although he struggled a bit, followed the singers eyes and saw the guitar he fancied. He could see why he liked it, and would have to admit it suited the singer.

"Do you play?" Ace asked, curious to the singer's interest.

"Only a little, could still use work." 2D said, not taking his eyes (mdoc: "what eyes?") off of the guitar

"I could teach you?" 2D turned to him with a large smile.

"Really? That'd be great!" And then he made way to the guitar, pulling Ace along with him. He was about to pick it up before Ace pointed out a 'please do not touch the instruments" sign. The price indicated that it was 614.32£ (800$). 

"I'll buy it for you if you're willing to commit to learning." Ace said bluntly.

"Oh I can afford it-" Ace cut him off.

"Let me." Leaving 2D in slight awe, the singer watched Ace go up to the register and request the very guitar 2D showed interest in, forked over some cash, and walked back picking up the instrument by the neck, with a receipt in hand. "Let's go."

2D was relieved to see when they left the shop the previous crowd wasn't there, and they had already been relatively close to Ace's car, so it was a short rest of the trip. The guitar just fit in the back with 2D holding on to it, protecting it carefully. Ace would look in the rear view mirror occasionally to see the bluenette fawning over the guitar, and he would smile to himself.

When the two got home, they saw a note left by Noodle saying that she and Russel were out for groceries. 2D quickly went up stairs to learn some guitar, followed closely by Ace.

"Let me see you hold it." Ace said. 2D picked up the intrus ment carefully in his hands. "I can see you've probably played a little before but your grip is not right for this guitar." Ace reached out and tried to adjust 2D's grip to his liking. When he saw after he finished he muttered something along the lines of not as easy when playing. "It's still not right. Stand up." And 2D did as told. Ace walked behind him and grabbed his hands from behind, lightly pressed against the singer, but he tried to focus on the task at hand. When he finished he walked back around more satisfied with 2D's grip, completely ignoring the slight blush on the boy's face. "What chords do you know?" 

"Uh G, C, and A?" 2D said uncertainly.

"Show me." 2D did so. "Alright I see you know those ones, but you started to change your grip back, do you need help fixing it?"

"I uh might." The singer answered quietly. Ace resumed his position behind the singer and helped him finger the chords.

"This might be easier if we were to sit down." 

"Oh okay." Ace carefully pulled 2D down into his lap, and that's how the two spent the rest of their practice.

They eventually stopped when they heard Russel and Noodle returned, and 2D jumped up like a kid being caught doing something they weren't supposed to. He quickly went to his room to set down his new guitar on his bed(they hadn't purchased a stand and he was willing to sleep on the floor for it), grabbed Ace and pulled him downstairs to greet the returning members.


852 words (not including this a/n)

Sorry it's a bit short, but I did manage to get a little 2ace fluff in there. Please let me know if you see any typos and what you think! Thanks for reading! Also NOW RANKED #64 In 2D Oh My GoOdneSS thank you guys! See you next time!

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