Uber or Taxi?

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A few spiked drinks of Pepsi and slightly slurred orders of chicken tenders later,  Ace and 2D decided to walk around town, Ace appearing almost normal, at least to 2D, with the latter slung over the former's shoulders. The contact Ace enjoyed ended as they found themselves in a dollar store, sitting on cheap furniture and talking about anything and everything one talks about when filled with liquid courage. More so 2D was talking, and Ace was listening.

"Ya know? I think you, you're a lot, a lot a lot, nicer than Murdoc." 2D said, drunkenly poking his finger against Ace's chest.

"Is that so?" Ace chuckled at the shorter's behavior.

"Yeah, 'e woulda hit me, a' least twice by now, an none of his liquor no, tha's all 'is." 2D slurred. "You, you sooo nice to me?" Ace placed his hand on 2D's shoulder. "Why are you sooo nice to me, Acerino?" Ace laughed at that.

"I can't help myself." Ace responded.

"But whyyyy?" By now, 2D had scooted his plastic lawn chair rather close to Ace, where 2D's knee's rested in between Ace's. Ace placed a hand on 2D's thigh.

"I think it's time we go home." He said calmly.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." 2D unconsciously leaned into the bassist's touch. They stood up, more so Ace stood up and helped 2D struggle to stand, and began to head for the exit, when 2D grabbed Ace's arm. "Wait! We're unfit to drive??" Ace chuckled again.

"I'm afraid so."

"Uber or taxi?" 2D asked. "I'll cover."

"I've got it." Ace said calmly.

"No, no, you paid for dinner, I gotta get this." 2D insisted, wavering back and forth, lightly pulling Ace with him.

"Alright, you cover it, Uber." Ace smiled and pulled 2D's arm towards himself, in a sort of hug. "Last time I was alone with a drunk man as attractive as you are...." he trailed off. 

"Wha' are you on about?" 2D didn't quite understand in his foggy state of mind.

"Nothin' at all, would you call the Uber now?"

"Right then, Brandy was pretty good last time."

"Brandy?" Ace questioned.

"Eh yeah, Uber." 2D sounded to be slightly sobering. "I've got to make the call now."


———- timeskip brought to you by I don't like timeskips ———

When they arrived home, 2D was nearly falling asleep, and Ace guided his each step, until the bluenette eventually just gave in to the much needed rest. At this, Ace picked up 2D, and carried him upstairs. Given only a partial tour of the upstairs, he could only guess where the boy's room was. He saw an unoccupied bedroom that was rather messy, and laid the drunken boy on (hopefully) his bed. Ace was tired, and didn't want to leave 2D, but he managed to get her the last of his energy and will power and drag himself off to his room, and let the other sleep alone.

"Have ta take it slow.." he muttered to himself. He laid down in the new sheets, surrounded by the smell of car fresheners, with his own thoughts. He had decided. Murdoc would not be returning to the Gorillaz. He had some friends in wormwood who could make sure of that.

———- timeskip brought to you by Murdoc's evil laugh ———

2D woke up with a splitting headache, and one mission- find his pain pills for the love of the Buddha. He didn't question his surroundings, the blaring pain of his day after hangover kept his mind only on the pain, and stopping it. By chance, he happened to notice a glass of water and a bottle of pills on his nightstand. Thanking his luck he grabbed the bottle and twisted it open, uncaring about how many pills he took. He thinks he took 3. He swallows them down dry, thinks about it, and grabs the water. He lays in slightly lessened agony for a short while until the pills kick in. He stands up and recalls a few events of the last night. His arse didn't hurt so he's pretty sure that he and Ace just had an innocent night of fun. Still sensitive to the light in his room he stands up to grab his classic hangover mask. He's not very hungry, but he heads downstairs anyways, figuring he should get something down.

Downstairs, he walks to the kitchen and sees Ace in what looks like a bathrobe grabbing some mini waffles. When he turns around he hears Ace's laugh.

"Nice getup you got there." Ace laughed. 2D still liked his laugh, even though this time it was at him.

"Why thanks for the hangover."

"My pleasure." Ace walked past to the living room, or the dining table, laughing on his way, the mask was too funny, but it did also cover something he did want to see. 

Russel and Noodle were both up, having finished breakfast already. So unusually productive for the two. 

"Hey Noodz?" 2D said, standing in the doorway of the kitchen. He had a bad habit of standing in doorways.

"Yeah?" Noodle half focused replied.

"What ya watchin there?" 2D asked, trying an attempt at small talk.

"(Insert movie (comment one, I'm too lazy right now))." She responded, putting all her focus back to the tv. He gave up on talking with the small, but grown up, Japanese girl, and wouldn't try to talk to Russel. Russel had been, what he could only describe as off lately. He turned his attention to the new member of the band, who was mid-waffle.

"How did you sleep?" He asked the bassist, who nearly choked as he finished his waffle hastily.

"Fine, smelled of cheap used car lots all night, but fine." Ace replied, picking at his next waffle. "You?"

"Fine, a little cold, woke up hungover." 2D answered a little awkwardly.

"Do you want to go out?" Ace blurted. "I mean to get my car back you know? We left it at the diner last night, and I'd really hate to leave it longer."

"Oh sure, I forgot about that. Do you want to Uber there?" 2D pulling  his phone out.

"No, no, let's walk." Ace said hastily.

"Well alright then, I'll grab my shoes." He made for the stairs.

"And 2D?"

"Yeah?" The boy in question said.

"Leave the mask." Ace said flatly. He would want to see more of the pretty boy's face.

"Okay, anything else?" Ace shook his head, a bit enthusiastically.


1052 words, not including the comment the movie title, and this a/n, I have news! This book is now ranked!!!! 255 if I remember correctly in 2d!!!! Thank you guys for the votes and the reads! Please comment any typos you find, and movie titles you want in that one part (wow so interactive!) 

I don't like timeskips, but because of those, I didn't end this part on those notes, so you get more to read! Sorry it's been a little while since the last update, family stuff.

Thanks so much, and see you next time!

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