confirm or deny

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Ace finished his food and went up to his room after saying goodnight to his band mates. His mind was practically flooding with thoughts of the bluenette, who was nearly sober downstairs. He knew to expect him in his room, alone with him. He knew looking into those eyeless eyes he might have to tell him something that wasn't true. That Ace was certainly not into the lead singer of Gorillaz. But he still let his thoughts take off with possibilities of the singers returned affections, which he knew by now the singer did in fact return his feelings. But what would Murdoc do? He's not locked up for life after all, and this was in fact contrary to their original plan. It was against what Ace wanted to be his plan. What happened to seducing the young man and reporting to Murdoc? He thought it would be easy, but maybe now he was seeing what he saw in him all along.
Or maybe it was just irresistible , irresponsible lust. Ace wouldn't know.
2D's sobering attempts had gone well, or he simply took a long enough time trying to sober himself that the alcohol was just out of his system already. He didn't know, he didn't care. There was one thing on his mind right now, one objective. Ask Ace why he felt this way, and if Ace has been feeling the same thing. But here and there other things would pop their way into his head. What if Ace was disgusted by this? This and more would attempt to pile up, but he was determined to make it to the bassist's room. He knew he'd need the answers. He just knew.
2D stood before Ace's door, fist raised to knock, and he did. The result in the door creaking open and revealing a troubled Ace sitting on his bed.
"Do you mind?" 2D asked, still hesistant.
"Not at all." Ace wore a fake smile, although Ace could have been genuine and 2D would have still been just as nervous.
"Do you, do you feel anything?" Ace chuckled, but it was forced.
"Of course I feel."
"No no, I meant do you have any weird feelings about me?"
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I have weird feelings about you and I don't understand them." Ace patted the spot on the bed next to him. When 2D sat down, Ace put his arm around the singers shoulders.
"Do you like it when I touch you?" Said the bassist.
"Yeah I guess, feels comfortable."
"Do you see me in your dreams?"
"All the time."
"Do you maybe wonder what it'd be like to hold my hand?"
"For fucks sake yes, I want to be close to you, touched by you, I wonder what your lips are like but I don't know what this feeling is."
"To me, it sounds like either love or lust." Ace leaned closer to 2D. "Maybe I could help you with that."
"But you didn't answer my question."
"I feel the same way." Ace replied lowly.
Wow another short chapter. I've been dealing with a fuckton lately, and ow. One of my best friends got a gf and started treating me differently for it so I called them both out, and now they donelt want to be my friend, even though they promised they'd always be my friend. Hurts a lot. Also I got my wisdom teeth taken out today. I'll try to do more but it's hard rn. Thank you So Much for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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