Is There Really Spice?

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Ace was waiting for 2D to be sober again. The same night that 2D drunkenly admitted his desires. 2D hadn't touched another glass since he was told that Ace wanted him sober. Although he was drunk, he had enough sense to comply to get what you want, so he slowly sobered up while eating the under spiced meal that Ace had given to him because he was the reason it was ruined. Everyone else enjoyed a fresh batch. 2D didn't mind, before Ace showed up they were practically eating garbage. Even though it was good, it also made his throat dry, so he washed it down with some water, Ace hoping that would sober him faster. Despite Ace's calm composure, he was still thinking about what happened in the kitchen. He couldn't shake his thoughts from how easy it would've been too...

"Ace do you wanna play smash after this?" Noodle asked, probably for the second time.

"Oh, no thank you, I think I'll retire to my room after dinner." Noodle mumbled something about old people and 2D made plans for the bassist's room. Although his liquid courage was depleting by the minute. He found himself questioning why he had this sudden interest in the bassist? It was a question he couldn't answer, so he hoped Ace would.
Hey sorry I've been having a rather rough time lately, and I know this chapter is extremely short but it's hard to write positive stuff right now. I'll try to make more soon.

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