Work is Working

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2D began working on writing new songd for their much needed up coming album, Ace had helped inspire the the title, based on an interaction 2D figured he had forgotten by now. It would be called The Now Now, it was his first time writting and entire album with the rest of the band being aware of it's creation.
Ace's presence had made 2D really feel how glad he was to be free of the now jailed previous bassist, he knew he would have moments where he'd almost miss him, but they were fleeting. He believed this to be because of his acute Stockholm syndrome that his therapist told him about. He was alright with letting that honesty show in the album, he wanted this one to come from a place of feeling, and not fear.
Each day his and Russ' friendship drew further apart, but he and Ace's was advancing to a point he wasn't sure if it was just friendship anymore. Maybe he wouldn't confront those feelings in the first song.
Ace was downstairs playing some video games with Noodle, Russ was brooding in his room, and 2D was trying not to join Ace on the sofa, and finally make some forward progress.
Several girlish cheers (coming from Noodle DuH) were to be heard every couple of minutes, and casual low tone encouragement made 2D wish he could be there.
When he'd done enough writing to satisfy himself he decided to sneak downstairs to appreciate the scene from the two. He saw Ace's relaxed grin, and Noodle's victorious one. When a step creaked a little too loudly and caught the bassist's attention, his grin only grew.
"2D! Why don't you come join us?" He sounded jolly, never like the previous bassist. But something about his voice would give 2D goose bumps. He didn't know what was wrong with himself. "2D? You alright?" Ace's wide grin had shifted to concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thinking is all." 2D nonchalantly replied.
"Bout what?" The same goosebumps, but they were beginning to feel natural, as though it were normal.
"Oh nothin' lost in me own head is all." Ace's concern lightened, but only slightly. Noodle was just patiently observing the two's interaction.
"Do you wanna play smash Bros with us?" She asked cockily.
"Sure, why not."
-hahahahahah I've become one of those timeskip authors, I apologise-
They were in a dead lock, time running out, Ace silently spectating as 2D and Noodle continued and intense head on game, tied. The tension was thick enough to slice with a knife, and Ace could have sworn he heard Russ poke his head in to spectate, but he was too focused on the spikey blue haired boy in the very skinny jeans, a smash Bros protege. (I apologise I'm a nerd and it's been a while.) The countdown from ten began, and 2D managed what looked to be a slow motion killing blow, but was it fast enough to knock Noodle out in time for the end of the game? At 2 seconds left, the telltale blue light was seen, and it was known that 2D was victorious. The two fighters stood up and bowed to each other.
"You have been a worthy opponent." 2D stated. There was a fist bump, a win certifying screen shot, 2D then went for a beer. Followed by Ace.
2D beer in hand hopped(idfk) up on the counter and watched Ace bend over to grab some of the lower placed liquor. He wasn't sure why he was looking at the bassist's rear, but he was high off of victory, so he didn't question it. Ace had grabbed some of the whiskey from down low, and poured himself and 2D a glass, not caring about the latter's beer.
"A toast, to your SMASHing skills." He said.
"Did you just make a pun?"
"Just drink the whiskey love." 2D no longer thought about it when Ace called him love, nor did he think about it when Ace hopped(curses wait I looked it up I'm correct) up next to him and set his hand on his thigh. And the only thought he had when Ace started running his hand up and down his thigh was why was he enjoying this so much?
712 words
Sorry it's short and poorly put together, but look MorE fluff, AND I can bold now, cause I'm using the app (finally right?) But this is where I ask, do you guys want there to be smut eventually? Or nahhhhhhh. Let me know what you think in the comments, as well as any errors I made, or things you simply think I could've done better. Thanks for reading I think I got over 140 reads now so that's pretty awesome. Peace out!

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