The Magazine

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Beep! Beep! Was the sound of my obnoxious purple alarm clock as I groaned rolling over, slamming my hand on it to shut it up. I rolled my eyes as I sat up having my once flat curly hair stand up, it was bright outside. Brighter than usual and it frightened me a bit, because living in England you'd only get rain, clouds and a few sunny days, never a lot.

I yawned as I stretched getting up slipping on my Beatle themed slippers. My room was covered with them! From pictures to Vinyls to books to numerous clothing items to posters! I was obsessed with them all, but one in particular; George Harrison.

I smiled happily to myself as I walked downstairs to find my parents sipping black coffee in the kitchen.

"Good morning Julia. You look beautiful this morning." My dad chuckled as I laughed a bit rolling my eyes.

"Morning dad, mom." I smiled as I took a seat right in between them.

"Morning love." My mom smiled as she kissed my forehead gently.

I smiled as I looked at the time, "it's 11:30 already!" I gasped as my parents laughed.

"Yes, you sleep late. Just like your mother." My dad laughed as my mom lightly hit my dad. He chuckled and leaned over kissing her.

She kissed him softly as I fake gagged, "get a room!" I hissed laughing as they kissed my cheek. My dad on my left, mom on right. I blushed softly and wiped off the kisses chuckling.

"Is there any mail?" I asked as my dad placed his cuppa coffee down, "I haven't checked. I will though."

As my father said that, the mailman walked up to my mailbox and put loads of mail inside.

"There's the mailman." My dad smiled as I smiled happily.

"Yay!!! Go get it dad!!" I smiled clapping.

"Why are you so excited for the mail, huh?" My mom chuckled as I sighed dreamily.

"Becauseeeee there's this contest for winning a date with...get ready for it...GEORGE HARRISON!!!! Uh! My favorite Beatle!!!" I screamed as I blushed deeply.

My parents smiles fell as I said his name. "U-uh who?" My mom asked hoping I said someone else.

"George Harrison." I smiled still having that blush on my face, only this time it darkened.

She grimaced her face and shook her head, "ew. I can't stand him. He's all peace and love yet he cheated on his wife! He's a piece of shit if you ask me." She hissed as my heart broke,

"M-ma..he is not! Don't talk about him that way!" I said defensively as my dad chimed in.

"Your mothers right. I hate that son of a bitch too! He's fake, not genuine and his Indian infatuation was stupid like every song he's made. Paul and John were right to not let him have any songs on their albums, George's were shit anyway."

My blood began to boil as I felt my heart crush, and tears begin to swell my eyes. "THAT DOESNT MATTER TO ME!" I yelled as my parents grew silent.

"Julia! Stop yelling. It's our opinions, and you're not entering that contest. We don't want our daughter around that guitar playing Indian loving bastard." My dad seethed as I looked at my dad,

"That's not fair! I- I want to join the contest. You can't do that." I yelled as my parents rolled their eyes.

"I don't care you're not entering that contest!" They said in a harsh tone as I sat there pissed and sad.

My dad looked through the mail and tossed the magazine on the table. I stared at it in awe..

I blushed deeply as I looked at George's dark eyes

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I blushed deeply as I looked at George's dark eyes. I felt that they were staring into my eyes.

My dad snatched the magazine from my eyes and scoffed at him. "Look at this Jesus wannabe. Ugh he's so cringeworthy."

"If you're going to judge him then by all means do it when you're NOT around me." I hissed as I folded my arms.

My parents laughed maliciously as I began to tear up, "I just hate his fucking guts. And you're not getting this magazine." My dad replied as he took it hiding it on the highest shelf.

I was only 5"3 so when my dad did that, my heart broke. My mom and dad laughed and ruffed up my hair.

"You should get into Paul McCartney or John Lennon." They smiled as I looked at them with sad eyes.
Later that night my parents were asleep and so, around 1:00 AM, I snuck into the kitchen for one thing only; that magazine.

I slowly crept into the kitchen making sure I didn't step too hard making creaks as I walked. I grabbed a stool that was between the counter and refrigerator and opened it carefully. I placed it down and stepped on it, reaching for the magazine.

Once I got it, I slowly stepped off the stool and put it back running up to my room. I took a flashlight I had, and flicked it on turning to page 6. My eyes lit up as I saw him there, all sexy and all. A blush quickly overpowered my face as I began to feel a bit aroused. I hadn't felt that in a while, but somehow George made me that way...I kinda liked it. I scanned my hand over the page and immediately took out the application they had provided us with and began filling it out.

 I scanned my hand over the page and immediately took out the application they had provided us with and began filling it out

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After the application was filled out, I worked on the letter. I couldn't really figure out much to say, so I put this;

 I couldn't really figure out much to say, so I put this;

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Hopefully he doesn't get creeped out.." I whispered to myself as I blushed to myself. God..he's so sexy! How can my parents say such things about him? I have no clue! I thought as I put the letter and application into an envelope. I hid the magazine underneath my mattress until further notice.

Mine: A Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن